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他真是个奴隶主。He was a real slave-driver.

事实是达赖喇嘛本身就是一个奴隶主。The fact is Dalai Lama is a slaveholder.

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再也没有握着刀子的奴隶主了。There were no more masters of the sword.

这个被称为“比尔“的人是奴隶主?This guy, Bill, is the slave owner, right?

奴隶们被奴隶主的皮鞭打得在地上打滚。The slaves writhed under the master's whip.

奴隶们被奴隶主强迫整日整夜工作。Slave-owners made slaves work all day and all night.

奴隶-奴隶主的关系是紧张且不稳定的。The slave-master relationship was intense and unstable.

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在斯托的笔下,南方奴隶主是善良的主人,对汤姆不薄。Southern slaveowners are good masters and treat Tom well.

奴隶们被奴隶主强迫整日整夜工作。Slaves were made to work all day and all night by slave-owners.

那个奴隶主没花多少钱就在市场上买了一个娃子。That slave owner bought a slave in the market with little money.

这样做的话,如果员工再碰见沃尔玛这样的奴隶主,就有从富人那里证来的税提供给他,有一定的金融自由,可以选择其他的更好的工作。In the case of Wal-Mart, employees are free to choose other jobs.

不曾想,此时奴隶主汤姆洛克正在想尽办法追踪这一家人。However, they are now being tracked by a slave hunter named Tom Loker.

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奴隶主们有时允许奴隶为自己赎身。Masters sometimes allowed their slaves to buy their way out of bondage.

“这种仪式会将西部的奴隶主作为活祭品,”他说。"It scared the living daylights out of slave holders in the West," he said.

上一个真是个奴隶主。他简直把我们当机器人了。He was a real slave-driver. He probably would have loved it if we were robots.

她们必须设法从奴隶主人的角度反过来看待自身的遭遇。They must begin to see their enslavement from the point of view of the slaveholder.

养蜂人自然会否认自己是偷蜜蜂劳动产品的奴隶主。Beekeepers will naturally deny that they are slave owners who steal the products of the

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但到18世纪后期,一些南方奴隶主开始有怀疑。By the late eighteenth century, however, some southern slaveholders began to have doubts.

奴隶主们在实施他们政府的法律时都承认了这一点。The slaveholders themselves acknowledge it in the enactment of laws for their government.

这些清教徒迅速变成奴隶主,顺其自然地抛弃了他们的自由主义理想。The Puritans quickly became slave-masters, andsubsequently abandoned their liberal ideals.