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哈佛学生守则。the Harvard student handbook.

遵守索菲特酒店员工守则。Abides by the Sofitel Employee Handbook.

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是否学校有学生的荣誉守则?Do they have an honor code for students?

有些道德守则含有非常详细的规定。Some codes of ethics are extremely detailed.

对于已婚女人来说,这些守则同样适用。And married women, these rules apply to you, too.

“守则”一词通常与某一专门职业相联。The term “code” is usually associated with a profession.

战锤守则,将提供公开测试版之前开始。Warhammer codes will be provided before Open Beta begins.

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当然,恪守这些守则不至于让你变成一个神经兮兮、疑心重重的人。And they won’t make you into a nervous or suspicious person.

如果公众能更好地遵循这个守则,状况会改善很多If the population would do more of this they'd be better off.

许多守则还必须使用通过应用其操作码。Many codes must be used furthermore by applying their opcodes.

他们要求更高的透明度和一个新的道德守则。They called for greater transparency and a new code of ethics.

我还有别的守则,但是现在花的力气已经比我打算的要多了。I have more rules, but this is taking more effort than I thought.

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这个CSDP证书有它自己职业守则和职业惯例。The CSDP has its own code of ethics and professional practice. 11

保用期内需符合及按使用守则操作方法。Warranty period subject to operational instruction and using Code.

特许验船师的要求资格,将在工作守则内阐明。The required qualifications will be specified in codes of practice.

我已了解并愿意遵守学生守则。I fully understand and agree the above student behavior expectations.

本署向售卖海鲜业发出新的作业守则,以预防雪卡毒事故。New code of practice issued to help prevent ciguatera fish poisoning.

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职业新闻工作者协会的职业道德守则阐明,它是一项自愿的道德操守指南。By its own terms, the SPJ code is a voluntary guide to ethical behavior.

第三条持卡人须遵守本守则。Section 3. Cardholders are required to comply with this Code of Practice.

在此之后,确定一份有关你的公司的守则。After that, determine the compliance issues which pertain to your company.