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他一会儿声东击西,一会儿笑而不语。Moment he diversion, while laughing off the language.

诺曼底登陆只是声东击西的阳动。The landing in Normandy is merely a diversionary maneuver.

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这是他所精通的“声东击西”的伎俩。This is his versed trick, what's called "selling the drummy".

那些关于黄金团向西起航的传言难道是声东击西?Could all that talk of the Golden Company sailing west have been a feint?

燕九州一声令下,那群人迅速行动起来,开始声东击西,趁火打劫。Yan nine states one make next, those human fast work to push, begin diversion ugg short loot.

“宣言”不少篇幅谈论袭击策略和方法,包括“声东击西”。"Declaration" at length about many strategies and methods of attacks, including the "diversion.

安冈支队的攻击计划意图通过采取声东击西的方法来设下圈套。Yasouka Detachment initiated the attack. Its plan was to create a diversion and to set up a trap.

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但总司令龙德施泰特却认为这是盟军声东击西的手法,并不在意。But the commander-in-chief Rundstedt think this is the Allied diversionary tactics, and do not care.

这时,打扮成李三的田奎声东击西,吸引了陈宇等人的注意,将陈宇引开。At this time, dressed as Tian Kui Lee three diversion, attracted Chen Yu's attention, Chen Yu will be away.

他们宣称那些人不过是“声东击西”。拿这个论点与人的讨价还价是很不高明的。Their argument that those people were simply feinting in the East to assault the West was a good bargaining pose.

是啊,这就是德国在二战中用模型船来忽悠盟军战舰从而声东击西战术。Yeah, it is the "fleet in waiting" that the Germans used in WWII that distracted allied warships from other targets.

其文不但有“横的移植,纵的继承”,而且曲折迂回,声东击西,使人目迷五色。Not only have its text, "Wang transplant, if the succession", and circuitous twists and turns, Shengdongjixi, people Mumiwuse.

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按传统模型指导实践,必然造成声东击西,若用已揭示的异常共性特征指导预报,则可避免上述错误。It certainly makes a mistake according to the traditional model to guide the practice, and it can be avoided if using the revealed common features to direct prediction.

伍德拉夫正是运用了声东击西之计,名为爱国爱和平,实则是借战争提高产品的知名度拓销路。Woodruff is the use of diversionary measure, known as loving the motherland and peace, but in reality is to take the war to raise the visibility of product sales Billiton.

反弹传球与声东击西间产生的互动效应,能大大提高反弹传球的成功率。The interaction effect caused by "rebounding to pass ball"and"making a feint to the east but attacking in the west"can improve the success rate of "rebounding to pass ball".

这个时候,袁绍才发现是上当了,中了声东击西、调虎离山之计,然后却派刘备和文丑转过来拦截曹操。This time, Yuan Shao was found to be fooled, and in a diversionary , lure the enemy away from the tax increase, and then sent Liu Bei and Cao Cao Civilian clown turn interception.

一个美国眼镜蛇攻击直升机海上火灾声东击西的信号弹,因为它近中远期工作在动荡的阿富汗南部赫尔曼德省,星期日,2011年5月8日基本EDI苍蝇。A United States Marine Cobra attack helicopter fires diversionary flares as it flies near Forward Operating Base Edi in the volatile Helmand Province of southern Afghanistan, Sunday, May 8, 2011.

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为保证女子的生命安全,大队指挥员立即与在场的公安民警研究救援方案,决定采取声东击西的方法解救被挟持女子。In order to ensure the safety of women, the battalion commander with the immediate presence of police and rescue research programs and decided to take diversionary methods to rescue kidnapped women.

那个蓝衣男子能够想得到声东击西,调虎离山的计谋,又能领导这些变异人,足见他能力超凡。That blue dress man can want to get diversion and accommodate a tiger to leave accounting of mountain to aspire for and lead these variation persons again, it suffices to show his ability is peerless.