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她像一只蝴蝶,每天在人前人后飞来飞去。She flits in and out of people's lives.

我们敢于走前人未尝走过的新路。We dare to break a path unbeaten before.

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本文对前人的研究进行了文献综述。This paper makes a summary about formers' studies.

他总是前人的画作里寻找构图。He is always looking for composition in predecessors.

它也可以帮助你避免犯前人犯过的错误。It helps you avoid the mistakes people made in the past.

通过读书,学习和借鉴前人留下的间接经验,可以为我们节约大量的时间。We can save a lot of time to learn from others by reading.

关于作品中偶尔流露出的谐趣,前人已有所注意。The homour sparkled in his writings has been noticed before.

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他们不想重犯前人犯过的错误。They don't want to repeat mistakes made by their predecessors.

这项工作前人已经得到了很多关于低余维分类的的结果。For this, there have been many results under low co-dimensions.

较之前人之注,杨伦的注解更加体贴入微。Note person than before, Yang Lun's comments even more attentive.

前人研究的回顾共调查了将近17,000个儿童。The review of previous studies looked at nearly 17, 000 children.

他大胆地吸收了前人的成果,择其善者而从之。He boldly absorb the previous results, choosing the good from the.

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前人的工作详细研究了L丙氨酸晶体的拉曼光谱。The Raman spectrum of L-alanine has been measured by many authors.

其成因前人认为是大别群经强烈混合岩化作用的结果。And they were considered to be from migmatization of the Dabie Group.

前人偏爱“理解”,似乎含有更宽泛的意义。Predecessors like "understanding" seem to have had a broader meaning.

关于多治见市调查的详细试验计划书前人已有说明。The detailed protocol of the Tajimi Study has been reported elsewhere.

兰克的史学理论及方法是对于前人的超越。The theory and method of Ranke history far more surpassed his formers.

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这两点都是发前人所未发,值得进行深入探讨。These two aspects were unprecedented views worthy of further research.

大部分著名的政治语录都是盗用前人的,这个也不例外。Most famous political quotes are plagiarisms and this was no exception.

用前人的创造和你身边的东西取代苦苦探寻灵感。Instead seek inspiration from those before you and the world around you.