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她换了个清静的角落的座位坐下。She reseated herself in a quiet corner.

昨前如此灵魂重回清静守一之境。Ere such a soul regains its peaceful state.

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不像这屋子里,外面的空气新鲜又清静。The air is crisp and clean, unlike this room.

冰棱花窗下有一个清静的坐处。There is a quiet place by the patterned window.

我们住在九龙城一作清静街道。We live in a quiet street in the city of Kowloon.

但我不会鸣叫,不会打扰你的清静。But I won't tweet , won't perturb you from the peace.

那么到牧师那里去把,让哲学家清静一些。Go to the priests, then, and leave philosophers in peace!

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阿廖沙的家坐落在莫斯科市一个十分清静的街区。His house was situated in a very peaceful block in Moscow.

清晨宁静白句夜、让耳边白句音乐清静寂寞白句身口。At night, let the quiet of the ear of music and noise lonely.

通过冥想和自我探询,将使你的头脑感到清静。It will calm your mind through meditation and self-questioning.

每晚清静这么一个小时,可以造就出文化程度较高的一代新人。A more literate new generation could be a product of the quiet hour.

今天我将清静一下了,我很快就会好点的。I'll have a quiet day and I'll soon get better. " his wife told him.

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这里绿树葱茏,碧草如茵,清静幽雅。Here trees are luxuriantly green, green, green grass, quiet elegance.

孩子们回忆道,在家的时候,他挺羡慕剪草工的清静。At home, his children recall, he prized the solitude of his lawnmower.

这座山,既清静又美丽,吸引了很多游客。The mountain, which was quiet and beautiful, attracted many travelers.

元初女道冠孙清静曾在此修真。Women's Road Champion Sun Qingjing early Yuan was in this comprehension.

校园本应该是清静之地、安全之地,最不应该发生流血死人事故。Campus should be peaceful and safe and free from the least bloody accidents.

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酒店有一间会议室、舒适的豪华酒吧库存充裕,提供您清静关怀的服务和亲切的氛围。All rooms are accessible by lift and can be served by a same-day laundry service.

人人都有纯真和清静的佛性,而这佛性被苦恼和无明给蒙蔽了。We all have a pure and clear Buddha-nature, obscured by afflictions and delusion.

早上的肯德基很清静,我们在这里胡侃了一个多小时。In the morning, this KFC was so quiet that we chatted here for more than one hour.