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营火继续燃烧了几个钟头The bonfire blazed away for hours.

它看到了营火和流血。It has seen campfires and bloodshed.

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我们在晚上将有营火晚会。We will have a campfire in the evening.

那些女战士有阻止营火排吗?。Did the amazons stop the bonfire platoon?

耐久度很低的一个简单营火。A simple Campfire that has low durability.

当我们去野营的时候,我在营火边歌唱。When we go camping, I sing by the campfire.

当我们去野营的时候,我的妈妈在营火上做饭。When we go camping, my mom cooks over a campfire.

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我熄灭营火,把灰烬四处撒开。I put out the fire and scattered the ashes around.

营火对荒野的影响是永恒的。Campfires can cause lasting impacts to the backcountry.

营火冒出的烟袅袅升上明净的天空。Smoke from the camp-fires spiraled up into a clear sky.

营火象红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。Campfires, like red peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.

营火像红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。Campfires, like red, peculiar blossoms, dotted the night.

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营火在火焰熄灭后闷烧了好几个小时。The campfire smouldered for hours after the blaze died out.

营火在火焰熄灭后还闷烧了几个小时。The campfire smoldered for several hours after the blaze died down.

白天烟霭湿润,像笼罩在古老的印第安人的营火的烟雾之中。Its days are as hazy and soft as smoke from long-ago Indian campfires.

他们美美地吃了一顿饭后,就围在营火旁讲起了故事,唱起了歌。After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire.

防火警备员经常发现未完全熄灭的营火。The fire guards often find campfires that have not been put out completely.

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香烟,营火和烧烤全部能开始一燃烧在那些农村内。Cigarettes,camp-fires and barbecues can all start a fire in the countryside.

营火像红色的、别致的花朵点缀着黑夜。The camp fire looking like a red and beatiful flower decorates the dark night.

在应承营火处,只在火圈处生火。Where fires are permitted, use established fire rings, fire pans, or mound fires.