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我看到过初创公司这样做。I’ve seen startups do this.

这是初创公司需要解决的问题之一。This is one of the things startups fix.

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这种情绪已经扩展到了互联网公司的初创期。This mood even extends to internet start-ups.

苹果保持胜绩的原因是它是一个巨大的“初创公司”。Apple keeps winning because it's a giant startup.

而现在对初创公司来说,做好准备的国家似乎并不多。There do not seem to be that many ready this time.

梵学是佛陀初创于印度南部之宗学。Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India.

对初创企业进行投资的领域宛如一大片充满机遇的处女地。There is a huge, unexploited opportunity in startup investing.

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为了自己的初创公司,我们将整个生活和生计都押上了。We put our entire life and livelihood at risk for the startup.

但是品牌广告对新生的初创企业来说是一件困难的事情。But brand advertising can be a tough thing for scrappy startups.

在我的事业初创时期,一伙合伙人侵吞了一大笔钱。Early in my career, an associate embezzled a large sum of money.

再创造与二次创造将比初创更为强大、普遍。Reinvention can be even more powerful and pervasive than invention.

可是来访者都被它初创性的修建风格和奇特的结构所吸引。Vistors are struck by its ingenious architecture and exotic layout.

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这点同样也是专注于Twitter的初创公司Sulia的核心理念。That same concept is at the core of the Twitter-focused start-up Sulia.

ly是一家位于上海的非常非常小的初创公司。Musical. ly is a very small startup based in Shanghai with only 10 people.

上一轮互联网泡沫破灭之后,风险投资的资助不断减少,初创公司随后也弹尽粮绝。When VC funding dried up after the Internet Bubble, startups dried up too.

西晋太康时期是中国诗歌发展史上进行模拟创作的初创时期。Tai Kang of west Jin dynasty is the early period in Chinese poetry history.

这本来就是初创企业的发展道路,没必要郑重其事地昭告天下。This is the path of a startup. I don't think you need to make this explicit.

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我发现,这一类硬梆梆的法律文书令人相当不愉快,尤其是当它们来自初创企业时。I find this sort of pushy legal stuff very off-putting, especially for start-ups.

由于市场中充斥了各种初创企业,孵化机构已成为汇集机构。Since the market is so flooded with startups, incubators have become aggregators.

相反,苹果打算做类似于流行的初创企业Dropbox所做的事情。Instead, Apple is doing something similar to what the popular startup Dropbox does.