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那一茉丰腴细腻,先声夺人的品质。Mo which, heavily fine, the head start quality.

临阵一吹,就可以先声夺人,震破敌人的肝胆!Cold wind, you can break the enemy's attack, hepatobiliary!

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这篇新闻显然是在对他的访问作先声夺人的报道。The news had apparently been aimed at stealing the thunder from his visit.

这种欢畅自得的神情往往使他们在听众的意见里先声夺人。This gaiety of countenance often gives them the advantage in the opinion of the hearers.

科尔维诺希望埃布埃包括交易内容中,但尤文图斯已经迅速采取行动,先声夺人。Corvino wanted Emmanuel Eboue included in any bid but Juve have moved quickly to get their man.

宣传战日趋激烈了,各方虚张声势,试图先声夺人。The propaganda war was becoming intense, with both sides bluffing in the hope of gaining an advantage.

费尔南德斯19分钟的强有力的头球帮助罗马尼亚冠军在布加勒斯特球场先声夺人。Bruno Fernandes' thumping header put the Romanian champions into a 19th minute lead at the Steaua Stadium.

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小猫很讨人喜欢的,每次我们到屋里,她先叫一声,有点先声夺人的味道,然后就蹲在原地不动。Every time we get to the room, she always first shouts, showing her existence, and then squats in the place.

与此同时,由于竞争对手现金充足,无疑有能力通过收购在企业软件竞争中先声夺人。In the meantime, rivals with ample cash could buy themselves even more of a head start in enterprise software.

他们企图在排球赛前先声夺人,结果事与愿违。They tried to overawe others by displaying their strength before the volleyball match but finally they failed.

这些黑白影画,“先声夺人”地构成了世博文化的墙体空间,丰富了创意园区的精神内蕴。These black-and-white picture, " head start" to form the culture of wall space, has enriched the creative spirits.

轰出的2记ACE,为他争得20,使其以4-1先声夺人,而罗迪克的正手下网,又使比赛以1-5落后。Two aces, taking his total to 20 for the match, gave him a 4-1 lead, and Roddick netted a forehand to go 1-5 down.

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周五的男单比赛,德约科维奇先声夺人,开局便战胜了伊斯内尔,接下,德约科维奇击败奎罗伊,为塞尔维亚取得2-0领先优势。Viktor Troicki defeated Isner in the opening singles Friday and Djokovic beat Sam Querrey to give Serbia a 2-0 lead.

开场后,主队尼克斯进攻流畅,强力内线兰多夫先声夺人。After the beginning, home team Nix attacks smoothly, force inside connection Landuofu forestalls opponent by a show of strength.

在决胜盘,莎娃曾以3-2先声夺人,此时问题发生了,她叫来了教练。Maria had been leading 3-2 in the deciding third set against Zheng Jie when the problem flared up and she called for the trainer.

上个月,日本先声夺人,在中国之前发射了自己的月球探测器,而印度计划明年发射自己的月球探测卫星。Last month, Japan stole a bit of China's thunder by launching its own lunar probe, and India plans its own lunar orbiter next year.

其实这只不过是先声夺人的说法——不过,先不管这个——这个月早些时候,我在电视上看到多次英国首例性玩具广告。Such was the anticipation -- and let down -- for many viewing the first-ever sex toy ad, which aired on British television earlier this month.

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她还在身上挂满了装饰用的银质首饰,眼角一边还不忘点缀着几颗与她那双先声夺人的翡翠色眼睛相称辉印的小宝珠。She also accessorized with silver jewelry here and there, and a few tiny matching gems scattered beside the corner of one of her outstanding emerald eyes.

我们还要避免6万名9月份先声夺人项目中的儿童失去加入项目的机会,并对学生贷款者提供全方位服务以确保他们能够获得贷款。We avoided terminating 60,000 children from the Head Start Program in September and fund student load to provide adequate services to student loan borrowers.

下半场比赛科比先声夺人连得7分,再度将分差扩大到两位数。The second half competition kopeck forestalls opponent by a show of strength continually 7 points, will divide the difference to expand once again to two figures.