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坑穴四壁是成阶地的。The walls of the craters are terraced.

四壁都涂以绿漆。The walls were besmeared with green paint.

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长霉的四壁、凹凸不平的石头地Whose mildewed walls, uneven paving-stones

但这部车的坐垫和四壁都是深红色的。But the car and cushion the walls are dark red.

房子四壁一旦支起来,就把顶篷放下来安好。Once the walls of the room are up, let in the ceiling.

艺术瓷砖,使您厨房四壁增辉。Art ceramic tiles add luster to the walls of your kitchen.

新型涂料,令您新居四壁增辉。The modern paint adds luster to the walls of your new home.

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这个房间四壁洁白,空无一物,朴实而美观。The room with its white walls was bare, austere and beautiful.

他的房间没有铺地毯,高高的四壁也没有挂图片。The lofty walls of his uncarpeted room were free from pictures.

帐顶及四壁覆盖或围以毛毡,用绳索固定。Canopy and walls covered or enclosed by a blanket, with a fixed rope.

椎间盘段椎管受四壁影响因素较大。The spinal canal at the intervertebral disc is often affected by its wall.

但这些车的坐垫和四壁都是深红色的。Anyway, the cushions and the rest of the upholstery were a deep red colour.

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木屋是由未锯方的松树树干钉成的,包括屋顶、四壁以及地板。The log-house was made of unsquared trunks of pine--roof, walls, and floor.

殿内四壁绘有人物山水壁画,绘技精湛。Inside walls painted figures have landscape murals , painted exquisite skills.

我们皆为囚徒,不同的是有些囚牢可以供你仰望窗外,而有些囚牢却四壁无物。We are all prisoners but some of us are in cells with windows and some without.

屋子里很亮,玻璃天棚,四壁刷着白灰。It was a bright, spotlessly clean room, with whitewashed walls and a big skylight.

四壁透明的容器中,放一对平行板,板间盛有液体。A cell with transparent walls contains the liquid between a pair of parallel plates.

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这就是那个华丽无比的餐厅,那个装璜精美、四壁生辉、专供有钱人进餐的地方。Here was the splendid dining-chamber, all decorATEd and aglow, where the wealthy ATE.

房间的四壁都镶嵌着玻璃镜子,照映出狗的无数个影子。Mirrors were hanged on all the walls in the room, reflecting numerous images of the dog.

墙纸上的玫瑰图案已经泛黄,四壁皆然,好似满山秋色。The roses on the wallpaper had yellowed, and each wall held an autumnal mountain landscape.