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突然鱼竿动了动。Suddenly the fishing rod moves.

一个女人去沃尔玛超市买鱼竿和鱼线轴。A woman goes into Wal-Mart to buy a rod and reel.

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只见老人身子往后用力倾斜,拼命向上提鱼竿,要将鱼往鱼网里拖。He leaned back, trying to bring the fish to the net.

我们也始终得到冷却器和鱼竿的,他说。We also always get coolers and fishing rods, he said.

我不禁目眩神迷,不知道守在哪根鱼竿旁边的才是我自己。I felt dizzy anddidn't know which rod I was at the end of.

而我们从来没有伸过一次鱼竿。But we still never cast a single fishing line into the water.

男孩收起他的鱼竿和那条鱼,动身沿着街走了。The boy gathered up his rod and the fish and set off up the street.

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摆弄鱼竿,看看能从其他柜台钓些什么。Test the fishing rods and see what you can "catch" from the other aisles.

首先,我们准备了一些鱼饵,然后把鱼竿在水里。Firstly, we prepared some baits and then put the fishing rod in the water.

坐定后,取出鱼竿,理好鱼线,下好鱼钓。Seated, remove the rod, handle the fishing line, under the good fish catch.

我今天想去钓鱼,可是我把鱼竿和钓鱼线落在家里了。I want to go fishing today, but I have left my rod and fishing line at home.

“怎么样,还没有收获?”连清北将鱼竿甩下去。"How, haven't harvested?"Connect pure north to jilt fishing rod under go to.

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他的屋后有一条河,大懒熊扛着鱼竿来到河边钓鱼。His house has a river, carrying big lazy bear came to the riverside fishing rod.

他将他的鱼竿、大风筝和弹珠一并永久性送给马克汉。He bequeathed to Makhan, in perpetuity, his fishing-rod, his big kite and his marbles.

我一见到鱼,哪里还顾的上水多么浑浊,拿起鱼竿,准备钓鱼。I see the fish, where the Sheung Shui LAB also how turbidity, pick up the rods for fishing.

净负荷大约在430磅左右,并且可以装下滑雪板,鱼竿或者高尔夫球杆。Payload is around 430 lbs and the cargo area has space for skis, fishing poles or golf clubs.

也知道为什么弗拉基米尔·普京会成为性偶像,拍照片还赤裸上身握着鱼竿。It also explains why Vladimir Putin has become a sex god and poses topless with his fishing rod.

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我厂可生产各种不同规格鱼竿用“碳素尖”浮漂用“漂料”。Our factory can produce various specifications rod with "carbon pointed" float use "bleaching materials".

接连几个小时,我们都坐在那儿看别人钓鱼,直到我们离开的时候,连鱼竿都没有往水里伸一下。For hours, we sat there and watched until we left without ever casting a single fishing line into the water.

我看了看儿子,他正默默地盯他的蜻蜓,仿佛是我的手在握他的鱼竿,是我的眼睛在盯他的蜻蜓。I looked at the boy, who was silently watching hisfly, and it was my hands that held his rod, my eyes watching.