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世行拓宽信息获取渠道Bank Widens Access to Information

他们已经拓宽了公园里的道路。They have broadened out the avenue in the park.

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那所房子给拆了,以便拓宽公路。The house was demolished to allow for road widening.

几乎没有人对于旅行拓宽视野有异议。Few people will dispute that travel broadens our mind.

但只需投入很少的资金就能拓宽那座桥。For a very small investment you can widen that bridge.

激光准直仪拓宽了应用为范围。Laser alignment devices have gained wider applications.

中非联系在过去几年被极大的拓宽。Sino-African links have broadened in the past few years.

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再教育是找到一个方法来拓宽你的知识。Instead, think of it as a way to broaden your knowledge.

欧洲人的世界观前所未有地拓宽了。The weltanschauung of European man was ever broadening out.

铭记在心,思想开放可以拓宽你的视野。Just keep in mind that open-mindedness broadens your horizons.

而且很明显一些街道应该重建和拓宽。And apparently, some streets must be reconstructed and broadened.

多布森先生许诺拓宽该组织的活动范围。Mr Dobson promised to widen the organisation's scope of activity.

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拓宽思维空间,培养逆向思维。Broadening space of thinking and cultivate conversed thinking habit.

宥恕不能变更畴前,但能拓宽他。Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

河道清淤拓宽后,看上去果然比以前宽展多了!After being widened and cleaned, the river seems much wider then before.

PTC发热元件与金属件相结合,可进一步拓宽其应用领域。Bonding of the PTC heater to metal part can widen its application range.

拓宽了三杆五自由度并联机床的应用范围。It widens application areas of 5-DOF parallel virtual axis machine tool.

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第二,拓宽合作领域,创新合作形式。Second, to expand cooperation areas and innovate cooperation modalities.

他们正在尽量拓宽讨论范围以纳入环境问题。They are trying to widen the discussion to include environmental issues.

艺术与科学在物质生活领域构成平衡,并且拓宽经验世界。Art and since balance in physical realm, broaden the world of experience.