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她珍藏着一颗浑圆的珍珠。She has a perfectly round pearl.

那就是它们,浑圆,丰满。There they were, full and rounded.

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腹部浑圆但是胸部很棒?Got a chubby tummy but great breasts?

我还有一个浑圆的身体,短腿和又厚又软的皮毛。I have a chubby body, short legs and thick, soft fur.

就连左右绕圈子,也彷佛用圆规所画出来的那么的浑圆而标准。Left and right circling was as round as the compasses did.

体形浑圆的鱼易患此病。Rounded shape of the fish easy to contracting this disease.

“小河”东岸4-5公里,有一个浑圆的小山丘。"River" the east coast of 4-5 kilometers, has a small rounded hills.

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我掀开黑夜沉寂的幔帐,任一轮浑圆洒进我的窗口。Uncovering the darkness sky there is a round moon that makes me blue.

北极原住民通常矮小、浑圆、肥胖并因此而有助于身体保暖。Arctic people are generally short, round, portly and, therefore, warm.

浑圆度取决于边角的锐度或曲率半径。Roundness depends on the sharpness or radius of curvature of the edges.

它一手擎着碧玉权杖,一手握着浑圆的水晶。In one hand it held a crooked sceptre of jade, and in the other a round crystal.

刀法L既有粗犷有力的斧劈刀凿感,又有浑圆细腻娴熟的刻画。Blade L both rough powerful axe chop chisel, and rounded delicate skilled portrait.

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门钮形状浑圆,铜质光滑,在他眼前闪闪发光,好象一颗骇人的星。This knob, which was round and of polished brass, shone like a terrible star for him.

浑圆的锥体空空洞洞,看似无物,却盛满了大自然的无穷奥秘。Rounded cone empty, seemingly nothing, but filled with the endless mysteries of nature.

雕塑以铸铜为媒材塑造浑圆饱满的量体,让民俗化的人物造型更显天真浪漫、充满喜悦。Material is copper, which is so thick and dense as to make the folklore character more naïve and joyful.

她脸颊上泛着健康的桃红色,两条粗大、浑圆的胳臂托着那些叠在一起的盘子,一抖也不抖一下。Her cheeks were pink with health, and her large round arms carried the piled-up dishes with never a tremor.

假如它只是一朵花,浑圆、小巧而且甜蜜,我就能把它从树上摘下来戴在你的发际。If it were ony a flower, round and small and sweet, I could pluck it from its stem and set it in your hair.

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分离出的原生质体形态饱满浑圆,FDA测定活力良好。The isolated protoplasts whose sizes were plumpness and round in size and vigor were nice determined with FDA.

柚子外形浑圆,象征团圆之意,所以也是中秋节的应景水果。Grapefruit rounded shape, symbolizing the reunion of Italy, it is also the Mid-Autumn Festival occasional fruit.

这座洞穴有个像是舷窗般浑圆的并被漆成绿色的大门,在正中央有个闪亮的黄色门把。It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle.