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他无助的比划着。He gestured helplessly.

一定会有人对你比划,嘘,对吧Somebody will go, "Shh." Right?

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我边说边用手指着比划。I said with hands moving de script ion.

我不知道我能不能把那些招式都比划出来。I don't know if I can do all of those moves.

胡政生的几个学员在相互比划着功夫拳脚。Some of Hu's students demonstrated kung fu routines.

他手舞足蹈,优雅地比划着繁杂的手势。He is all flourishes, rococo gestures, and exquisite manners.

想在心里旋转一个物体,要首先试着比划。To learn how to rotate an object mentally, firsttry a pantomime.

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我看着他奇怪的是,因为我看不理解他的比划。I look at them strangely, as I cannot understand their gesticulations.

我试着用手比划出零的模样,但这真的没有实在的意义。I tried making my hand into a zero -- but that was really meaningless.

点击“比划”,然后在外边加1px的白色笔画,设置为重叠模式。Then click on Stroke and add a 1px white stroke on the Outside and set to Overlay.

马八鸽的声音几度哽咽,用手比划着说完。Horse eight pigeon's sound several degrees sob, gesticulated with the hand is saying.

2011年10月7日,星期五,委内瑞拉首都加拉加斯,照片中几名哑剧演员正站在人行横道上比比划划打着手势。Mimes gesture as they stand in a crosswalk in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday Oct. 7, 2011.

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奶奶耳已聋,吃力地拿手势比划着示意我们该去瞧瞧舅爷了。Grandma ear deaf, hard to get a sketch gesticulation that we should go to see my uncle.

对比是指垂直比划和水平比划间的宽度差别。The contrast refers to the thickness difference between vertical and horizontal strokes.

他一边半生不熟地用阿拉伯语感谢主人,一边比划着,问他哪里能够找到电话。As he half-baked Arabic thanks to the owner, while gestures, asked him where to find phone.

总之,手指在屏幕上怎样比划,就有怎样的剑影,完全由玩家发挥。Anyhow, fingers on the screen, what how intimating sword by players play shadow, completely.

外国记者边说边用手比划着岗台的厚度。Foreign reporter said that while uses the hand to gesticulate watch tower structure thickness.

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他见到一位90多岁的老妇人时常做白日梦,她的手不停地比划着。He met a woman in her 90s who would sometimes slip into a reverie, her hands moving constantly.

我拿着铅笔顺着书上比划,可没碰着纸。My pencil followed the writing sequence of the charater on the book but didn't touch the paper.

第二个三日又开始了,周宾士终于勉强能“照猫画虎”比划了。The second Day Three began. With difficulty Zhou was able to do the movements as his master did.