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他说隐身人跟在他后面。He said that the Invisible Man was after him.

因此,把它建在树林中几乎可以‘隐身’。So it should be invisible nearly in the forest.

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盗贼可以背刺和隐身。Rogues can backstab and hide to further their ends.

巨大的鸭翼降低了隐身性能,造成巨大的阻力。The large canards reduce stealth and cause huge drag.

在埋伏和奇袭的时候隐身是很有用的。That can be useful in group ambushes or surprise attacks.

隐身纤维的最低红外发射率可达0.60。The lowest infrared emissivity of the fiber can reach 0.60.

等离子体隐身技术是新概念、新原理的隐身技术。The plasma stealth is a novel stealth technology in theory.

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突然隐身人抓住了他,正当他们格斗时,有几人赶来搭救医生。While they struggled, some men came to the doctor's rescue.

主要研究了隐身目标的毫米波辐射特性。We mainly study the radiation characters of stealth objects.

但隐形技术并不能使得飞机完全隐身。But stealth technology can’t make an aircraft fully invisible.

而洛克希德·马丁方面,则不遗余力的推介F-35战机的全方位隐身能力。For its part, Lockheed Martin pushes the F-35's all-aspect stealth.

投资者也已开始不再一味隐身于避险性的货币市场基金.Investors have also been moving out of safe-haven money market funds.

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纽曼今年5月辞职,林小军如今已“隐身”为副总经理。Newman quit in May and Lin is now the company's vice general-manager.

隐身是为了逃避,那么上线是否是在期待。Stealth is to escape, then whether the on-line is looking forward to.

在这之后遇见隐身人的是一个名叫马维尔的流浪汉。The next person to encounter the Invisible Man was a tramp named Marvel.

来试试一项DreamHost主导的名为“隐身邮件”的社会实验吧!Enter a bare bones social experiment from DreamHost called Invisible Note.

国外红外隐身技术在现代战争中发挥着越来越重要的作用。The infrared stealth technology play more and more roles in the war today.

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而中国早期歼14计划,包含了少量的隐身技术。China's early F-14 program, including a small amount of stealth technology.

并已制造了可在红外光和可见光波段工作的隐身器件。Related cloaks have been made to work with infrared rays and visible light.

红外隐身材料技术在红外对抗领域中越来越被人们所重视。Obscurants for infrared countermeasures are getting more and more attentions.