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它是怎样处理出货的?How does it handle shipment?

你们的订货在星期一就可以出货。Your order can go out on Monday.

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此项目是在股票和准备出货!This item is IN-STOCK and ready to ship!

出货通知是由电子邮件发送的。Notification of shipment is sent by e-mail.

如果买主没付全款,本人有权不出货。We do not entertain buyer who do not pay in full!

最早一批出货记录是1903年7月20日。The earliest record of a shipment is July 20, 1903.

未指定出货前提出翻箱时间。Bring up repacking time before appoint shipping goods.

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我翻成“要多久才能回到原先的出货日?”How soon can you go back to the original delivery date?

在FM2.0和用友财务系统中输入成品出货凭证。Enter shipping entries into FM2.0 and User Friend system.

供应商如何进行出货前的检验和控制?What are the suppliers Pre-delivery Inspection &Controls?

进口保理商将在出货后处理你的应收款。The import factor will handle your collection after sales.

出货前买方支付尾款后卖方使得付货。The seller will delivery after the buyer pays the balance.

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安排样办,进行银行转汇并快速安排安全出货。Sample arrangement for the bank transfer and fast safe shipping.

生产中的和尚未出货的违规产品将被拒收。Non-compliant product in production or unshipped will be rejected.

更新快,出货准时,质量稳定。Renews quickly, produces goods punctually , the quality is stable.

按出货量统计,其排名也降至第三位,排在苹果和三星之后。It also fell to third place in shipments, behind Apple and Samsung.

每个订单包含96片2包在一个单位出货率。Each order contains 2 packs of 96 tablets at one flat shipping rate.

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是否请工厂以外的第三方进行出货前验货?Do you carry out pre-shipment inspections independent from the factory?

苹果公司说截至6月的季度其iPad2出货量达到930万台。The company said it shipped 9.3 million iPads in the June-ended quarter.

内矿方面,国产矿市场平稳,出货情况一般。Inside the mine, the domestic market is stable, the situation is general.