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整整一个星期,牛虻的病都处于严重的状态。FOR a week the Gadfly lay in a fearful state.

我是一只快乐的牛虻,无论是活着还是死亡。Then am I a happy fly, if I live or if I die.

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牛虻的忍受力也终于不能维持了。The Gadfly 's endurance was failing him at last.

蒂洛伦佐谈到了制片人和自由牛虻迈克尔·摩尔。DiLorenzo's subject was the filmmaker and liberal gadfly Michael Moore.

勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上全都表现得很突出。Courage, selflessness and strength of will stand out all over the Gadfly.

牛虻坚持必须在六月中旬之前把工作做完。The Gadfly insisted that the work should be finished by the middle of June.

牛虻是很大的苍蝇,不断地叮和唤醒那些动作迟缓的马。A gadfly is a large fly that continually bites and arouses a horse that is sluggish.

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勇敢、无私和意志力在牛虻身上都表现得很突出。Bravery, selfishness, and endurance are the characters which can be found easily on the Gadfly.

即使这份爱不能成就,即使他们已经因误会而彼此错过,牛虻一直深爱着她,直到他生命的最后一刻。Arthur turns his mind to his revolutionary cause and loves Gemma until the last moment of his life.

可到后来,牛虻赢得了全队人极大的信任和尊敬,彻底改变了大家对他的看法。Can be subsequently Gadfly team who won a great deal of trust and respect, we completely changed his views.

狗跟在屁股后,耷拉着舌头,哈着口水,扑棱着耳朵,捉一只吸眼屎的牛虻。After the dog with the tail flapping tongue, Kazakhstan with saliva, flap ears, to catch a suction mucus of the gadfly.

因为他似乎倾向于扮演一个牛虻式的人物,一个周围的人都无法理解的苏格拉底,人们都认为他既聪明又古怪。He is sort of like a Socratic person out there, who nobody recognized, and thought that he was brilliant but sort of eccentric, and he sort of loved to play that part.

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一个自命名为“报道真相部”的牛虻博客开始挑战围绕在人们身边的审查制度。A gadfly blog, sarcastically titled Ministry of Truth, has begun to puncture the veil surrounding censorship, anonymously posting secret government directives leaked by free-speech sympathizers.

他强调能带来显著好处,在我将引用的段落中,他自称是只牛虻,众人都将铭记,是牛虻改善了,城邦的生活质量。He brings with it important benefits and in the passage that I'm referring to, he defines himself as a gadfly, everyone will remember that, the gadfly who improves the quality of life in the city.