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我要知道他失踪前前后后的情况。I want to know the history of his disappearance.

所有的蚂蚁都在上上下下、前前后后、来来回回地跑着寻找美食。All the ants raced here and there, up, down, and to and fro.

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‘她那张画,’我说,我把前前后后都跟她说了。“It was her picture, ” I said, and I explained the whole thing.

我已经前前后后仔细地想过了,我永远永远也不会宽恕你了!I have thought it all over carefully, and I can never, never forgive you!

它们不停地审查、观看、分析,前前后后、毫不间断。They routinely scrutinize, investigate and analyze—back and forth, continually.

我们来前前后后仔细考虑一下一个基于云的应用程序的一些方面Consider just some of the aspects of a cloud-based application from back to front

去角质之后,用柠檬皮在指甲上前前后后摩擦一下。After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

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我展示我们的存在,完整的存在,以美国为背景,从前前后后不同的侧面表现主题。I show us present, fully present, in front of, and before, the background of America.

如此,捕鲸绳前前后后的绕过整艘小艇,并和所有的桨手相近。Thus the whale-line goes back and forth through the whole boat, and all the oarsmen are close to it.

在他的屋子内像有一道界线,工作及日常生活却经常的前前后后进出。There’s a kind of border in his house, but his work and his daily life are constantly going back and forth.

客人们在她们前前后后走进来,也同样轻言细语地交谈,也同样穿着舞会服装。In front and behind them walked guests dressed in similar ball-dresses and conversing in similarly subdued tones.

我打电话,寄商业提案给你,前前后后也差不多二年了,你从来没有回复过。I've been calling your office and sending you proposals for about two years now, and you've never responded before.

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它们在摇摇晃晃的树干上前前后后厮打着,既像是在玩耍又像是在证明谁才是老大。They shuffled backwards and forwards teetering on the splintered wood as they playfully tried to show who was boss.

这是有几分像caesar或者,你只要前前后后进行,字符串拷贝。vigenere Well, this is, again, this is kind of like caesar stuff or vigenere where you just copied characters back and forth.

我这学期前前后后也买了三块,后来在朋友的怂恿下,就屁颠屁颠地去交了钱。Before and after this semester I have got a three, and later in the instigation of a friend , I go to pay for my watch happily.

当管理前前后后整个供应链的时候,供应链经理们已经超越了产品流动的范围。In managing flows up and down supply chains, supply chain managers become involved in far more than just the movement of products.

它的由来与历史地位自不用我累述了,在网上随便搜索一下就会有一大堆的文字图片把它前前后后里里外外叙述个遍。About its origin and status in history, I don't need to tell more here since they could be found specifically through internet search.

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随着大量人群涌入定居,各种道路、隧道和水利改善工程也前前后后地铺展开来。Roads, canals, river improvements, preceded, attended, followed these sudden settlements, this vast and jubilant movement of population.

有关这场边境战争的内容是基辛格这本书中唯一直接提到印度的部分,相关内容对事件的前前后后进行了详尽描述。The border war is one of the only parts of the book where Mr. Kissinger deals with India directly, giving a blow-by-blow account of events.

总是爱这样荒谬地假设,也许只有这样才能让我们把一切反反复复前前后后左左右右看得玲珑剔透。Always love this absurd to assume that Perhaps the only way you can let us all around the left right before and seen repeatedly refined and shiny.