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2009年大选中虽然社民党落败为在野党,选民却依旧支持默克尔。The SPD was ejected in 2009, but voters chose to keep Mrs Merkel on.

对于在野党来说,它是对国家稳定的最严重威胁。For the minority, the gravest threat to the stability of the Republic.

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但是在野党仅仅占据如此少的立法院席位将很难对投票表决带来太大影响。But the opposition holds too few seats to block the deal in an up-or-down vote.

他同时也是我曾读过的作者为在野党人士书籍中,被我视为最佳书籍的作者。He is also the author of the best book I have ever read by a serving politician.

利则历先生会见了缅甸军方高级领导人和在野党领袖阿少吉。Mr. Rizally met with Burma's top military leader Camute and opposition leader Athozogy.

特别地,他希望能和决意令他下台的在野党合作。In particular, he wants collaboration with opposition parties mostly bent on ousting him.

我们还敦促在野党尽早发布他们对选民的政治宣言。We also urge opposition parties to present their manifestoes to voters as early as possible.

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所有这一切应该为在野党6月12日大选前的竞选时期提供素材。All this should provide fodder for the opposition in the run-up to a general election on June 12th.

在此二困境下,无论由谁组阁,恐都很难获得立法院多数在野党支持。These situations will make it difficult for the Premier to win support from the opposition parties.

在野党为什麽没有能够成功地提出不信任案?How was it able to form and survive successfully without real challenges from the opposition parties?

在经过数月耐心地对阿赛德施压迫使其改革后,土耳其对叙利亚在野党打开了大门。And after months of patiently pressing Mr Assad for reform, Turkey opened its doors to the Syrian opposition.

还不能确定,但不论如何,代表团将会见前民运领袖昂山素姬和其他在野党的重要成员。It was unclear, however, if the delegation would meet with pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and other senior.

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民意调查结果显示,目前他所领导的执政党人民运动联盟与在野党社会党的支持率不相上下。Polls had suggested that his ruling UMP party would be neck-and-neck at this point with the opposition Socialists.

在野党向重新统计选票示威来抗议在朝党赢得60多个席位的做法是不合法的。The MDC launched court challenges to block the recount as illegal and to contest 60 seats won by the ruling party.

在过去的三十年里,英国政府的执政党和在野党双方都一再的在官方公布的工作数量上做文章。During the past thirty years, U.K. governments from both parties have repeatedly massaged the official job figures.

在野党民进党,陈曾经领导过,敦促政府立即释放他。The opposition Democratic Progressive Party, which Chen once led, has urged the government to free him immediately.

政党轮替有机会让不适任的党派换作在野党,因而有机会学习。Government party changes offer the opportunity for incapable parties to be opposition parties. Therefore, they can learn.

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在野党阵营猛批他的傲慢言行,放话追究菅直人的人事任免责任。Opposition camp Mengpi his arrogant behavior, let it be investigated Naoto Kan's appointment and removal of responsibility.

之后,被绑架日本人质香田证生证实被杀害,在野党要追究小泉责任。Were kidnapped Japanese hostage Shosei Koda was confirmed killed, the opposition parties to pursue Koizumi's responsibility.

在自民党执政时期,日本对中国的崛起一直存有戒心.日本自民党自1955年创立以来,仅有10个月是在野党.Under the LDP, which has been in power for all but 10 months since its founding in 1955, Japan has been wary of China's rise.