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我不赞成背后议论别人。I don't approve of gossip.

别总是你在大发议论,跟我平等地谈话。Don't talk at me, talk to me.

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他喜欢看牌时议论一下,出出主意。He liked to kibitz a card game.

人人都在议论她的离婚。Everyone remarked on her divorce.

他们议论新法律。They dicussed about the new laws.

我们不议论打听他人的阴私。We must respect others' privacies.

办公室里嘁嘁喳喳地议论著谣言。The office is buzzing with rumours.

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他们在嘁嘁喳喳地议论丑闻。They are buzzing about the scandal.

这番议论恰合这个情况。The argument is apposite to the case.

关于联合国的改革,人们议论很多。There is a lot of talk about UN Reform.

所以我的以上议论不能说十分公平。So I am not unbiased in this discussion.

海恩斯,你等着听他议论哈姆莱特吧。Wait till you hear him on Hamlet, Haines.

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这是以经义定大议论。This is the big debate set by the justice.

在他的身后,村民们开始消消议论。Behind him, the villagers began to whisper.

不要在背后议论别人。Don't talk about others behind their backs.

人们常常在背后议论他。People often talk about him behind his back.

议论没能让事变有个眉目。The discussions throw no light on the matter.

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他们正在纷纷议论她。They are bandying her name about a good deal.

午餐时,人们尽议论一些政府做的蠢事。The talk over lunch was of government idiocies.

他们喜欢背后议论他。They enjoyed talking about him behind his back.