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曲轴箱连杆密封件损坏。Worn crankcase piston rod seals.

断开车轴上稳定杆连杆。Disconnect stabilizer bar links at the axle.

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连杆可转动地连接于连杆挂钩。A link is pivotally connected to the link clevis.

随后探讨该固定传力角连杆组的合成。The synthesis of such a linkage is also discussed.

连杆大端装配者滚柱轴承。Connecting rod tip are fitted with roller bearings.

研究中心对称平面三连杆的运动。Center symmetry plane three connecting rod is studied.

连杆为合金钢铸件,十字头为球墨铸铁。Connection rod and crass head is alloy-casting pieces.

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恒温控制器是由一根连杆与汽化器相连的。The thermostat is connected by a link to the carburetor.

那根棒掉进机器里把连杆给打弯了。The bar fell into the machinery and sheared a connecting-rod.

此外,还讨论了连杆曲线的虚点问题。Finally, the imaginary point on the coupler curve is discussed.

阿满石墨铸铁连杆衬套是8标准“孔。A graphite filled cast iron rod bushing is standard on 8" bore."

铸铁连杆衬套提供最大承重的支持。The cast iron rod bushing provides maximum load bearing support.

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在连杆大头安装曲柄轴颈。The lower end of the connecting rod fits the crankshaft journal.

六连杆打纬机构是一铰链型的平面多杆机构。The six-link beating-up mechanism is a plane multiple-bar linkage.

连杆是振动输送机的主要基础部件之一。The connecting rod is one of the key parts in a vibrating conveyer.

连杆小端装有双列长圆柱滚子轴承。Wrist pin end carried on double row long cylindrical roller bearing.

本文介绍经编机连杆机构的动力分析。This paper presents dynamic force analysis of a warp-knitting machine.

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铸铁的时间越长连杆衬套提供最大承重的支持。The longer cast iron rod bushing provides maximum load bearing support.

该仪器索赔9日,其中四杆连杆是一个平行四边形。The apparatus of claim 9, wherein the four-bar-linkage is a parallelogram.

以平面二连杆空间机器人为研究对象进行仿真验证。A planar FFSR with a 2-DOFs manipulator is selected as the research object.