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他容易冲动,会得罪契丹可汗。He is too emotional. He may offend the Khitan Khan.

而他,仅仅是中国大可汗的一个大臣而已。He, in turn, was vassal to the Great Khan of China.

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可汗说,“禁令不代表种族歧视,这是大众都能认识到的”。Khan says a ban is "not racist, it's common sense".

可汗在短短几十年里一直在长途跋涉。The Khans had come a long way in just a few decades.

我最终才弄清楚那说的是一个名叫阿米尔·可汗的家伙。Well it turns out that it was a guy named Amir Khan.

史完可汗需要一个铍球来做炸弹。Shiwan Khan needs a beryllium sphere to complete the bomb.

著名的忽必烈可汗就是在这建立他的王朝。The famed Kublai khan ruled his empire from a palace here.

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可汗实验学校招收的学生年龄在5岁到15岁之间。Students ages 5 to 15 attend the experimental Khan Lab School.

赢了可汗是好事儿,但要与帕奎奥比赛条件还不够。A win over Khan is good, but not enough to get him a Pacquiao fight.

哈桑·可汗是一位音乐家、表演艺术家以及作家,住在开罗。Hassan Khan is a Cairo-based musician, performance artist, and writer.

蒙古汗国时代可汗及诸王的帐幕可容2000人。Khan and the Mongolian Kings times khanates of tent accommodation 2000.

臭名昭著的指挥官马穆德.可汗也在军方逮捕的人中。A notorious commander Mehmood Khan is among those the military has arrested.

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像开拓者萨尔可汗已经展示了在线工具的高效率。Pioneers like Sal Khan are already showing how effective online tools can be.

荣登此榜的英国名人还包括女演员蒂尔达·斯文顿和豪门女继承人杰迈玛·可汗。Other Brits in the list include actress Tilda Swinton and heiress Jemima Khan.

卡马尔·可汗是一个25岁的无业游民,他说官方说法“在我看来太可疑了”。Kamal Khan, 25, who is unemployed, said the official story "looks fishy to me."

诚然,新大可汗有足够的理由重新评估蒙古战略。Certainly, the new great khan would have good cause to reassess Mongol strategy.

中场球员可汗因勒在下半时初段攻入了本场比赛唯一入球。Midfielder Gokhan Inler scored the only goal of the game early in the second half.

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可汗是四世纪以后北亚民族高级政治体首领的称谓。Khan was a ruler under a well-developed regime in North Asia from the 4 th century on.

之所以称金帐汗国,据说是因为可汗在黄金般的帐篷中处理国事。The name "Golden Horde" comes from the golden tent fromwhich the khan was said to rule.

这些自我克制能力超强的战士最大的敌人就是南卡里莫多残忍的半人马可汗们。The stoic Shodo-Pans' greatest enemies are the cruel centaur khans of southern Kalimdor.