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我每周绝食一天。I fast a day eery week.

上次我们全都参加了绝食抗议运动。All of us hunger-struck last time.

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我倒是想看看他们在赎罪日是否严格遵守绝食的规定。I'd like to see them do the black fast Yom Kippur.

好的。我想我周五白天要要绝食了。Soony- I'm ready. I think I'll fast all day Friday!

所有绝食的学生都得强迫进食。All the students on hunger strike had to be force-fed.

所有绝食的犯人均需强迫进食。All the prisoners on hunger strike had to be force-fed.

她每周绝食一次,至今她的体重已减了十磅。She fasts once every week, and she has lost ten pounds.

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另外一些人说到碧昂丝和这次绝食抗议事件没有任何关系。Others say Beyonce had nothing to do with the hunger strike.

在绝食四天之后,他被发现死在了自己的房间。After not eating for four days, he is found dead in his room.

一些被扣押的人断续地进行绝食。Some of those who are impounded go on hunger strike on and off.

大约4个月前巴耳卡尔人就已经开始进行绝食抗议了。The Balkars went on a hunger strike already about 4 months ago.

在星期六安纳·哈扎雷发表声明他将在星期天早上结束绝食。Anna Hazare said Saturday he will end his fast on Sunday morning.

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但是你不能通过绝食来解决暴食的问题。But you can't solve the problem of overeating by stopping eating.

有群学生一直待在纪念堂绝食抗议。Some students have been staging a hunger-strike at Memorial Hall.

你有听说那个在绝食抗议中差点饿死的人吗?Did you hear about the guy who almost died during a hunger strike?

哈扎尔于今年4月首次发起为其5天的绝食抗议。Mr. Hazare launched his first hunger strike, a five-day fast, in April.

既然他们都看不出来我在绝食抗议,我又何必辛苦自己忍着不吃。Since they cannot see me on a hunger strike, I why hard try not to eat.

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请洽询有绝食经验的医生或顾问。Consult a doctor or health practitioner who has experience with fasting.

然后,他们绝食,冥想一个月,只喝些水,直至死亡。They live for about a month meditating and only drinking until they die.

世界各地至少还有三个学生也在进行绝食抗议。There are at least three students around the world also on hunger strike.