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注释是一个对请求者不可见的给员工的隐秘的摘记。A comment is a private note for staff not visible to the requestor.

电视广告是一个女孩的旅行摘记。The TVC is based on the girl's notes and jottings about her travels.

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几星期以前我在这本摘记里叙述了过去竞选活动中一场角逐。I recounted one from an old campaign in this Notebook some weeks ago.

写出全部的摘记,你必须一遍又一遍地记住它们。Write out all of the notes that you need to remember over and over again.

在我那带有索引的案件统计表的B字栏里,你能找到几条有关这件事的摘记。You will find a few notes upon the matter under the heading B in my indexed list of cases.

在准备工作的各个阶段,每一组应该共同合作,包含展示的图表和简报的摘记等。Each team should collaborate in all phases of preparation, including presentation graphics and briefing notes.

在签订协议时,须将已签署的一份协议摘记,连同本撮要一份给予借款人。A copy of the signed note of the agreement must be given to the borrower, with a copy of this summary, at the time of signing.

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该摘记须载有该宗贷款的详尽细则,包括还款条款、保证形式及利率。The signed note must contain full details of the loan, including the terms of repayment, the form of security and the rate of interest.

他只有一张皱巴巴的纸,上面摘记着一些粗糙的诗句,这是他去以色列警署续签证件时突发的灵感。All he had was a crumpled paper on which he had jotted some rough verse inspired by a visit to the Israeli police, to renew his travel pass.

任何信托如有司法受托人,则其帐目须按照法院指示,连同在审计时作出的改正的摘记一并提交。The accounts of any trust of which there is a judicial trustee, with a note of any corrections made upon the audit, shall be filed as the court directs.