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就怪这雾气,我也被搞的晕乎乎的!It's the fog, it's making me foggy.

我有失眠症,刚刚睡着没多久,晕乎乎的。I'm an insomniac and I had just fallen asleep.

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我感觉就像登上了月球,晕乎乎的,我现在还在月球上呢。I'm still over the moon on it. I am over the moon.

大家都喝得晕乎乎的,等饭菜端上来时就都哇啦哇啦地唱。Everybody was jolly singing by the time the food arrived.

讨厌车辆,那种晕乎乎的感觉,一直记忆犹新。Hate vehicles, that kind of feeling dizzy, has been in the mind.

可以说一整天都是在晕乎乎的情况下度过的。It can be said in the dizzy day are spent under the circumstances.

奥蒂斯问道,并转身看着三只晕乎乎的牛蛙。Otis asked, and turned to see three dizzy bullfrogs. 'Well, of course I did!

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你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像流沙似的把你吸进去。You don't want to drive here on a dark night if The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.

最后,民警责令男子赶快起来,该男子表示太热了,感觉头晕乎乎的,爬不起来了。Finally, the police ordered the men to get up, the man said was too hot, feeling dizzy, not getting up.

刚开始没觉得那么辣,可几分钟后,我就感到头重脚轻,有点晕乎乎的。The initial taste isn't that hot but now, a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed.

你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像流沙似的把你吸进去。You don't want to drive here on a dark night if you're a bit tiddly. The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.

你要是喝得晕乎乎的可别晚上开车到这里来,有些地方的泥土会像泥沙似的把你吸进去。You don’t want to drive here on a dark night if you’re a bit tiddly. The mud sucks you down like quicksand in places.

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然而,礼拜日,你那些过于冗长的观点,可能会让你晕乎乎的,尤其在你想改变观点的时候!On Sunday, though, getting too verbose about your point of view could be awkward, especially when your opinion changes!

在咖啡馆里,一个喝得有些晕乎乎的背包客懒洋洋的打着哈欠,迷着眼睛看着电视,电视里不停的循环播放着“朋友”和“居家男人”的肥皂剧。And stoned backpackers lounge gape-mouthed in cafes, eyes glued to televisions playing looping reruns of "Friends" and "Family Guy."

她转着圈,昂着头,手臂伸展,直到晕乎乎地大笑着跌倒在草地上。She spun around in circles, her chin tilted upward, her arms outspread in an arc, until she collapsed dizzy with laughter on the lawn.

我这两周来一直感到晕乎乎的。我吃了各种各样的药,还做了大量的锻炼,但这一切一点效果也没有。I've been feeling dizzy in the past two weeks. I've taken all kinds of medicines and have exercised a lot, but these have not had any effect.

当恩佐帮那位老人起来时,在震惊的乘客之中,他看到那个开面包车的女人已经下车了,她看上去晕乎乎的,手放在头上。As Enzo helped the old man up, amid the shaken passengers, he saw that the woman driving the van had gotten out, looking dazed, her hand to her head.

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相信很多人有睡前喝点酒的习惯。睡觉前喝点酒,头晕乎乎的,貌似可以助眠。不过,你的睡眠质量却会受到影响,导致你晚上睡眠不足,白天没精神。Alcohol can cause you to awake frequently in the night, reduce the amount of deep sleep you get, and cause you to wake up earlier than usual in the morning.

地震发生前那天我醒来后就觉得晕乎乎的,然后潜意识里就去到了庙里最大的一个建筑。而这个建筑正是少数几个幸存建筑之一。She woke up dizzy on the day of the quake and felt inexplicably drawn to the monastery's biggest structure, one of the few religious buildings to escape complete destruction.