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“啊,闭上眼睛,安息吧!冤魂!可怜的少年!”——一个僧人逃难的路遇。Ah, Close your eyes, Rest in peace! You innocent soul! you poor boy!

你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。You are a enmity fetch among innumerability . Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph.

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通常,它都能如愿以偿的获得猎物,我敢肯定,小鸟或者老鼠甚至没搞清楚是什么向它扑过来就已经成为猫的爪下冤魂了。She usually got her prey, and I don’t think the bird or mouse ever saw what was coming.

有人说这条鱼是60年前淹死在河中的小偷冤魂化身。Some said that fish was the ghost of a thief who'd drowned in that river 60 years before.

你是无数冤魂中的一个,愚蠢和笨拙是你的墓志铭。Look , I am very haleness! You are a enmity fetch among innumerability. Foolish and clumsiness are your epitaph.

毕老太断定冤魂并非附在太阳眼镜上,只是籍著眼镜连系阿柯,使她知道自己的冤情。Mrs. Bud confirms that the mane is not attached on the sunglass but with it. The mane wants to tell Audrey about her fate. Mrs.

被杀的娇女的阴魂,既是贩奴过程中屈死的六千万黑奴冤魂的化身,也是整个黑人苦难历史的缩影。The ghost Beloved is the reincarnation of the dead negros in the slavery and the epitome of the miserable history of the black people.

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阿齐兹刚刚从又一场法庭听证会上回来。法庭设在巴格达绿区。在那里,通过一系列艰苦卓绝的审判,萨达姆政权下的伊拉克冤魂正在被驱散。Aziz had just returned from another court hearing inside Baghdad's green zone, where the ghosts of Iraq under Saddam are being exorcised in a series of painstaking trials.

我是冤魂,我死在你们寝室楼的地下室,去年我被肢解了,每天晚上我都向上爬,你能过来拉我一把么,我在你床边。I'm innocent, I die in your bedroom floor in the basement last year, I was dismembered, and every night I have to climb, you can pull me over a what, I am in your bedside.

城里遍布闹鬼的宅子、酒馆、墓地,不出几步你就可以听到许多有关被诅咒的海盗船,内战期间的冤魂和巫毒妖婆的故事。The city is full of haunted mansions, taverns, and graveyards, and you can’t go far without hearing stories of cursed pirate ships, Civil War-era spirits, and voodoo hexes.

该政策虽然在特定历史时期在打击犯罪方面起到了一定的作用,但同时又凝聚了许多中华儿女的屈辱、鲜血和冤魂!Although this policy had an effect on striking crime during the special history , it also resulted in the humiliation, the blood and the grievances of many people at the same time.