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社区是具体而微的,又是虚构的。Community is specific and real, but fictional too.

月圆月缺是具体而微的人生昭示。Full moon on a clear and concrete short life declares.

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每一个词源都是一条具体而微的引领我们回家的陌生的路。Each etymology is a case, in miniature, of the strange road home.

最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地。I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in.

研究人员的结论是,LB1与直立人最像,不过是个具体而微的直立人。What LB1 looks like most, the researchers concluded, is a miniature H. erectus.

上海乃中国的具体而微,通过勾勒上海的变迁就可看出整个中国社会变迁的轨迹。One word, the vicissitude in Shanghai is the track of that in the whole country.

原则上,比起笨重的大机器人,具体而微的小机器人有许多优势。In principle, lilliputian robots have numerous advantages over their bulkier cousins.

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关于个人命运和历史选择同构的总体设想,在文本的具体而微处遭到了潜伏的质疑和自我悖反。The general conception about individual fate and historical choice results in doubts about the concrete and e.

感激则是通过每一天具体而微的生活细节来充实自己,并告诫自己不要坠入无法自拔的衰伤当中。Gratitude is to fill them with concrete life details and tell the selves don't fall in the inextricable sadness.

关于个人命运和历史选择同构的总体设想,在文本的具体而微处遭到了潜伏的质疑和自我悖反。The general conception about individual fate and historical choice results in doubts about the concrete and exiguous details.

哈密乃新疆的具体而微,通过勾勒哈密社会生活的轨迹可以对整个新疆社会生活的面貌与变迁得以一览。Hami is the sample of Xinjiang, therefore, the outline and transformation of the social life in Xinjiang can be given by the description of Hami.

忽然发现,原来两种文化的差异竟然是那么鲜明地体现在这具体而微的日常饮用水的温度。Suddenly, I discovered that the difference between the two cultures was clearly reflected in the different temperature of drinking water in the every day's life.

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狄更斯的跨文类网络提供了一个具体而微的模型,足以检视媒体整合的历史演进,以及科技重拾人类自然沟通模式的不同阶段。Dickens's transgeneric network provides a model to observe the transition of media hybridization when the modern technology restores the human natural communication.

这些变化不但改变着我国流行音乐的文化特征和美学价值,也具体而微地塑造着人们的生活趣味和审美风尚。These changes not only to change the pop music of our cultural identity and aesthetic values, but also to create miniature people's aesthetic tastes and habits of life.

在室内和室外的交界处,玄关是一块缓冲之地,是具体而微妙的一个缩影,是乐曲的前奏、散文的序言,也是风、阳光和温情的通道。At the junction of indoor and outdoor, porch is an amortize, is an epitome of concrete and delicate, it is the prelude of composition, prose, wind and sun preface and warmth.

有些人会为这限制移民具体而微的第一步骤窃喜,因为他们担心移民会将美国的专业工作人员排挤出职场。Some people were delighted at what they saw as a significant, if small, first step in cracking down on those who they fear crowd skilled American workers out of the workplace.

警察派出所’可说是警察组织‘具体而微’的表征,有如人体中的手足,透过它才能使警察工作顺利的推展与落实。It could be said that just as ones' body, hands and feet are vital in human functionalism the 'police sub-station' is also a small but vital feature within the police structure.