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不但素昧平生的人寄来了大量的礼物。Gifts poured in not only from unknown people.

她喜欢同素昧平生的伴侣旅行。When travelling, she preferred anonymous company.

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那两个素昧平生的人在地震中互相帮助,后来成了莫逆之交。The two strangers helped each other during the earthquake and later became Damon and Pythias.

通常,人们会设法和他们素昧平生的同事联系。Usually, people will reach out and connect with colleagues whom they have never met or talked to before.

人生就象一列急驰的火车,机遇和缘分会让许多素昧平生的乘客,在旅途中相遇、相识、相交、相知。Life is like a train gallops, opportunities and fate make many passengers stranger met on the road, met intersect, friend.

俄罗斯一对青年男女素昧平生,桥上邂逅,都欲在此了断自己,没曾想最后竟结为连理。Well, in Russia, a couple got married after a chance meeting on a bridge where they had both intended to commit a suicide.

如果有个素昧平生的人在小卖部里把你拦下,说出你肚子里孩子的性别,千万别惊讶。Don't be surprised if someone you've never met stops you at the grocery store, offering a prediction of your baby's gender.

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无论是他的熟人和爱人,还是素昧平生但需要帮助陌生人,他都以巨大的热情关心他们。He was a man who cared passionately—about the people he knew and loved, but also about people in need he didn’t know at all.

我对于这位素昧平生的凯瑟琳顿时发生兴趣,我便开始辨认她那已褪色的难认的怪字了。An immediate interest kindled within me for the unknown Catherine, and I began forthwith to decipher her faded hieroglyphics.

既然这些素昧平生的人能帮我的家庭度过如此艰难的一段日子,我当然要挤出时间来写作,以此回馈他们的深情厚谊。If people I've never met could help my family through such a tough transition, I would certainly find time to return the favor.

许多人都将‘默默无闻‘地生活,而到了最后他们将会发现其中的真意---家庭、朋友,甚至素昧平生的陌生人也可能是构成意义的一部分。Many will live lives of 'quiet, 'but in the end will have found some significance---family, friends, even strangers will be a part of that.

我们应该随时准备向有困难的人伸出援助之手,无论他们是家庭成员还是素昧平生。We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete rangers.

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我们应该随时准备向有困难的人伸出援助之手,无论他们是家庭成员还是素昧平生。We should always be ready to give a helping hand to those who are in trouble, no matter whether they are family members or complete strangers.

而客观方面则是朋友、亲戚、素昧平生的其它人或是其它生物的死亡等等,这当中的认知及感受是有着极大的分别的。In the field of objective condition is the death of friend, relative and stranger. There is a big difference of acknowledgement and feeling between them.

素昧平生的高等法院律师和邮局小职员笑谈着艺术和色彩,手挽手走在植物园的姹紫嫣红里。A barrister and a postal clerk who have never before met walk arm in arm through the Botanischer Garten, smile at the cyclamens and asters, discuss art and color.

由于互联网,数百万计的意见排山倒海而来,这些意见来自我们素昧平生的人,老实说我们根本无从评估。Thanks to the internet, we are now inundated with advice from millions upon millions of opinionated folk we’ve never met—and frankly haven’t a clue how to assess.

不过两个素昧平生的俄罗斯男人不会“坚定”地握手,不然这可能演变成一场较量力气大小的“碎骨”之争。"Firm" doesn't begin to describe the obligatory handshake between two unacquainted men in Russia, which can feel like a test of strength with near bone-crushing results.

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先是如同牲口一般,被麻袋一装论斤卖给了素昧平生的张家,后又因张家长子张俭妻子不育,沦为生养儿女的工具。First, like animals in general, is a loaded sacks on the pounds sold unknown to Zhang, the eldest son Zhang Jian Zhang wife later because of infertility, reduced to bear children tools.