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这是复旦大学公共卫生学院劳动卫生教研室的网页。This is the webpage of the Department of Occupational Health.

玛丽为被任命为教研室主任而感到骄傲。Mary was proud of being appointed to be the chief of the teaching section.

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河北医科大学生物化学与分子生物学教研室。Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry of Hebei Medical University.

近年来该教研室对胚胎学教学进行了改革,收到了良好的教学效果。In recent years, we have had a reform in embryology teaching and received good effects.

1997年课题申报原滨州地区教研室,并被批准立项为地区级实验课题。The project was submitted to Binzhou Teaching & Research Section in 1997 and was approved.

华支睾吸虫尾蚴由中山大学中山医学院寄生虫学教研室提供。Clonorchis cercariae were supplied by the Department of Parasitology of Sun Yat-sen University.

史密斯比本教研室内的其他任何老师年龄都大,但他不愿退休。Smith is older than any other teacher in his office , but he is unwilling to retire from his work.

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基础教研室现有教师9人,其中在职任课教师8名,全聘教师1名。The Department is currently home to 9 members, including 8 full-time teachers and 1 part-time lecturer.

现教研室主要负责人陈荣歆副教授、苏宁教授在应用语言学以及英语教学等方面有深厚造诣。Rongxin and Prof. Suning, are well established in areas such as Applied Linguistics and English Teaching.

英语系创建于2002年,其前身是1994年设立的英语专业教研室。The English Department was founded in 2002, with the English section founded in 1994 being its predecessor.

教研室可以根据本门课程实验的特点增加本规则以外的补充条款。The stuff room can add some more rules except all of the above, which is based on the specialty of some courses.

面对这一变革,区级教研室的职能及其原有的价值体系必须重新排序。Facing to this change, functions and original values of district teaching and research section must be rearranged.

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教研室的老师均各有所长,在自己的研究领域中做出了比较突出的成绩,已发表了几十篇专业论文及数部著作。In token of the high attainments in their relevant fields, scores of theses and several works have been published.

本研究其次探讨了教研室职能规定与实际履行之状况。Secondly, this paper explores the teaching and research sections'functional requirements and the actual implementation.

现任泉州市委党校哲学教研室副教授、福建省哲学学会理事。She is currently an associate professor of philosophy in department of Fujian Quanzhou Municipal party school of C. PC.

哈尔滨医科大学附属第二临床医学院口腔医学教研室副主任。The second leg of the Harbin Medical University School of Medicine, deputy director of the Department of Oral Medicine.

为了更好地搞好医学七年制学生的教学培养工作,大连医一院妇产科教研室进行了一系列的教学改革。The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology has performed series of teaching reforms for the seven-year medical students.

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教研室是高等院校组织完成各项教学和科研任务的基层组织。Teaching and research section is the basic organization to accomplish all kinds of teaching and research task in higher schools.

根据外教教研室制定的教学评估体系,接受外事办对外教进行的年终业务考核和等级评定。In accordance with teaching evaluation system, the foreign teachers should accept the assessment at the end of school year from FAO.

介绍了大连理工大学电气工程系电工学教研室与电工电子中心电工实验室联合所作的教学改革工作。This paper introduces the T&R office of Electrotechnics and the Electrotechnics Lab center how to explore and practice in education reform.