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反而变得急功近利,好高骛远。But has become profit-oriented, ambitious.

此人,性格平和,不好高骛远,待人真挚。Our nature, gentle, treats people sincerely.

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这个愿景需要立即、不好高骛远的行动。Such a vision required immediate and lower target action.

做人应该脚踏实地,不要好高骛远。People should be down-to-earth, instead of being over-ambitious.

当前,很多评论家都在奉劝奥巴马不要过于好高骛远。Right now, many commentators are urging Mr. Obama to think small.

我们不能总是那么好高骛远,我们要脚踏实地。We can't always have our head in the cloud, we need to be down-to-earth.

好高骛远的人们会比较容易想到事情的结果。It is relatively easy to envision an outcome that results from thinking big.

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如果说“休克原理”这部书有时过于好高骛远,它的主要论断还是精到的。If The Shock Doctrine overreaches at times, its central contention is spot on.

好高骛远的一无所得,故事,埋头苦干的获得知识。百艺通,不如一艺精。Ambitious of a non-income, working hard to gain knowledge, One hundred Yi Tong, as a fine art.

2013年的毕业生与其好高骛远,不如把起步的目标放低点可能更好。Instead of aiming so impossibly high, the graduates of 2013 would do better to start a bit lower.

不好高骛远、虚妄自大、眼高手低,要实事求是,这是事业发展的基础。Not ambitious, false arrogant, unrealistic expectations, to be realistic, this is the cause of development.

你想同时学英、法、德三种语言?年轻人,你那样做可是太好高骛远了。You want to learn English, French, and German all at once? Young man, you will bite off more than you can chew.

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我并不想好高骛远,追求丰厚的物质享受,或者过清静无为的生活。I do not want to aim too high, the pursuit of rich material standard of living, or had a quiet life of inaction.

想要靠金钱或建言来促进清真寺和伊斯兰学校处理青少年问题,实在有点好高骛远。Dealing with this by boosting—with cash or advice—the capacity of mosques and the schools they run is a long shot.

如果把早期教育用好高骛远的心来做,是教不出大智慧人才的。If we do early education with a heart to achieve something beyond our grasp, we are doomed to producing no experts.

我们想在世界有一个公正的评价,但我们只会好高骛远,一无不扫何以扫天下呢?We want the world to have a fair assessment, but we will only ambitious, how can you sweep a sweep are all an apology?

有梦想总是好的,每个人都应该有自己的梦想,但梦想不能太好高骛远。Dreams are good and every body should be encouraged to have a dream. dreams should not be overbearing and over ambitious.

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志在四方又不好高骛远,脚踏实地而又挑战极限。Have ambition at everywhere and not idealistic and not practical, stand on solid ground but challenge extreme limit again.

研究生和他们的导师在其论文及论文开题报告中力求好高骛远的现象是很普遍的。It's also common for graduate students and their advisors to try to boil the ocean in their thesis and dissertation proposals.

丰田先生的方式并不好高骛远,它是简单的渐进式,而且需要投入地关注客户所需。Mr Toyoda’s approach is not visionary. It is simple, incremental and requires painstaking attention to what the customers want.