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沿着这条深谷有一条羊肠小路。Along the ravine there was a mule path.

我们切莫再沉湎于绝望的深谷之中。Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

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一些小的身故体验深谷他的嘴巴和眼睛。Some little rockets for his mouth and eyes.

人生也有兴衰起伏,也有巅峰和深谷。Life has its ups and downs, its peaks and its valleys.

你们必逃到我这两座山的深谷中,因为山谷必延伸,直到亚悉。You will flee by my mountain valley, for it will extend to Azel.

在日本这样的国土上,不知怎的,独多这样一类的深谷和山冈。I don't know why there are so many these kinds of valleys in Japan.

斯皮尔伯格是一个深谷基辅郊外的是乌克兰首都。Babi Yar is a ravine just outside Kiev which is the capital of Ukraine.

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玛丽指向悬崖深谷,让我们看那些危险的石块。Pointing down to the bottom of the cliff, Mary showed us the dangerous rocks.

向下望去,只见深谷中云雾渳漫,兀自不见尽头。And looking down, he found the valley immersed in thin fog, seeming bottomless.

它的最高峰在深谷毓璜顶站及以上的其他危险的山峰。Its highest peak Yuhuangding stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks.

大家都笑了。一小队海尔姆深谷的幸存者抵达。皮平咯咯笑得像个傻瓜。Both laugh. A small crew of Helm's Deep survivors arrive. Pippin chortles like a loon.

这条山脉有很多高峰和深谷,风光美极的了。The mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons. The scenery is very beautiful.

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不过它境内有比利牛斯山,这是一条有高峰和深谷的大山脉。But it does contain the Pyrenees, a large mountain range with high peaks and deep canyons.

老练的登山客喜欢爬危险的深谷,因为他们喜欢挑战自己。Experienced climbers like to climb dangerous ravines because they enjoy challenging themselves.

在深谷里到处是野禽鸣叫声和清脆的潺潺流水声。It was filled with the calls of wild birds and the crystal sound of running water in the ravine.

金花地区层峦迭蟑,山势雄奇,多处悬崖峭壁,沟深谷险。Zhang Jinhua region Cengluan again and again, because of Xiongqi, many cliffs, deep groove risk.

泰山有许多高峰深谷和丰富的古代珍贵文物。Mount Taishan aBounds in lofty peaks, deep valleys and rare cultural relics of the ancient times.

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露西那时正和迈克、妮娜在深谷马丁湾里划船,两位老人都是52岁。Lucy was paddling off Combe Martin Bay with Mike and Nina, both, 52, when they encountered the dolphin.

大峡谷是一连串很长的岩石深谷所形成的,大峡谷有很多通道,还有很多凸起的地方。The Grand Canyon is a series of deep long cuts in rock. There are many passages and large raised areas.

中国都江堰——奔腾的岷江,咆哮着经过深谷,河流的冲积物堆积成了山。DUJIANGYAN, China — The whoosh of the Min River, roiling through the valley below, drifted up the mountain.