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最佳的写作,必须有效选用字句、惜字如金。The best writing doesn't waste words.

这些字句从我的笔端滚滚流出。The words flowed unbidden from my pen.

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那些字句被人从文中删去了。Those words were exscinded from the text.

哇,庙里怎么会出现这样的字句呢?Wow, how can these words appear in temple?

大雁翱翔成标题,禾苗舒展成字句。Dayan flying into heading Hemiao stretch into words.

阅读信上的字句,一张薄纸在手中翻来覆去。as you read and turn the thin message in your hands.

他抱怨着BBC的广播员删去了他们的字句。He complained about BBC announcers eliding their words.

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他正读着尤利乌斯·恺撒闪光的字句和辉煌的功业。Reading the marvellous words and achievements of Julius Caesar.

收音机的音量被调得很大,没有人会听漏一个字句。The radio had been turned so bound that no one would miss a word.

我们的一切字句,都是从心思的筵席上散落下来的残屑。All our words are but crumbs that fall down from the feast of the mind.

我们的一切字句,都是从心思的筵席上散落下来的残屑。All our words are from the mind of the feast down on the scattered debris.

你的世界在我的心灵里织上字句,你的快乐又给它们加上音乐。Thy world is weaving words in my mind and thy joy is adding music to them.

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文章主要讨论粤语中的“把”字句的弱位状态。This article discusses the weak condition of the ba-sentences in Cantonese.

我怕在那些书上把电耗尽了,写下这些字句时。I am afraid I waste the light on the paintings , no room leting these words.

"遘"字句是闽语莆仙方言中一个特色句式。The Gou-structure is a special linguistic structure in Puxian Fujian dialect.

还有一些是校对人员、字句锤炼员和特殊效果处理人员。There are also proof-readers, language polishers and special effects personnel.

用者可使用扩音器去录下字句,以便能于每星期练习串字。You can use a microphone to record words so you can practice your weekly spelling.

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“把”字句与一般的SVO句语用价值不同。The pragmatic value of Ba-sentences is different from that of common SVO sentences.

片段、印象、见闻、随想,偶拾是死人的字句。Memories, impressions, knowledge and imagination. " Vignettes"Is a word of the dead.

同学们只须将滑鼠左制在右边字句一按,学校大旅行相片便可看到。Our students may take a look at School Picnic Photos by clicking the underlined title.