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我们每天给卧室通通风。We air the bedrooms every day.

把窗子打开,使房间通通风。Opon the window and air the room.

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打开所有窗子,让各房间都通通风。Open all the windows and air the rooms.

请把窗门打开通通空气。Please open the window to air the room.

吊死那些恶棍,通通吊死"Just hang them high, hang them all high."

快把宫门通通打开!Let the doors of the palace be thrown open!

皮脂,污垢通通挥别!The sebum, the dirt wields entirely leaves!

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他们把屋里所有的东西都通通偷光了。They stole every mortal thing in the house.

反正五十年内他们将通通被遗忘。They will all be forgotten in fifty years anyway.

通通“打翻在地,再踏上一只脚”!All" knocked to the ground, and set foot on one foot"!

而很可能的,你最终通通都忘掉了。And chances are, you ended up forgetting all about it.

还有朝堂上姓吕的通通不要。Still have dynasty on Xing Lyu of hall of always don't.

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即使如此,这也是值得的,因为独角兽会把你的噩梦通通吃掉。But it's worth it, because unicorns eat your nightmares.

整理你的房间,把衣服摺好,东西通通收好!Clean your room, fold your clothes, put your stuff away.

虽然我们定期会通通电话,但我还是很想见到她本人。Though we spoke on the phone regularly, I longed for her presence.

ZDF系列多功能电磁阀则可通通于气。液体。ZDF series of multi-function solenoid valve may be all in the air.

把你所有的文件夹和项目通通都复制到你的次要硬盘。Take all your files and programs and copy them to your secondary drive.

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然后我用胳膊把滴水板上的盘子通通扫到地板上。Then I rake my arm across the drainboard and send the dishes to the floor.

他标志性的耳钉和之前的傲慢态度通通都不见了。His trademark earrings were gone and so was the arrogant manner of the past.

现在穆加比希望能把他们通通赶回去,因为多数农场几乎完全没有生产力。Now Mugabe wants to drive them back because the farms are producing nothing.