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很难说,但是我确实从这里听到如同曾经互联网繁荣井喷的回声。Hard to tell, but I do hear echoes of the dotcom boom here.

“十一”黄金周的“井喷”是再好不过的明证了。Eleven" Golden Week " blowout" is no better evidence of the.

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绝大多数的井喷在发生前都有明显征兆。Most of the well blowouts show obvious signs before they occur.

现在真正的消费开始井喷,但还前面的路还很长。Now real consumption is kicking in, but there's a long way to go.

世博板块交通和三网合一股票将全线爆发井喷!Expo plate and triple-play line of the stock will break out blowout!

水分水汽在井喷的气体可以进入曲轴箱。Moisture from water vapor in the blow-by gases can enter the crankcase.

然后对井喷井进行洗井,并在井内设置水泥塞进行弃井。The blowout well is then cleaned out and a cement plug is set for abandonment.

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今后井喷以此压力为关井和压井的依据。This pressure will be the basis for well shut in and killing in case blowing out.

目的研究12·23井喷事故后灾民的心理健康状况。Objective To study the sufferers' mental health after 12 ·23 gas blowout accident.

事实上,曾有人推测“深海地平线”会发生此类可怕的井喷事故。Precisely such a dreaded blowout is presumed to have occurred on the Deepwater Horizon.

和他多日,婚礼庆典井喷发生在印度的几个星期前发生?And his multi-day, blowout wedding celebration that took place in India a few weeks ago?

他在指控时表述观点并开开玩笑,这本书总体上是关于井喷事件的书中较好的一本。He opines and makes jokes as he charges on, and the book is on the whole the better for it.

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BP将独自决定针对石油井喷什麽工作是已经完成的,和什麽目标是他们承诺要达到的。BP alone will determine what is done with respect to the oil geyser and its promised closure.

在钻井作业中,为避免井喷恶性事故的发生,均应在方钻杆上、下两端组接方钻杆旋塞阀。In order to avoid blowout, it should be assembled kelly cock valve on two ends of kelly stem.

我已经目睹的正在做最后一次井喷的爱尔兰夫妇已经收拾好回家了。The Icelandic couple whom I had envisioned as being on one last blowout have packed and gone home.

但是,在中国,由于低成本的配送和高企的物价使得网购呈现井喷。But in China the low cost of delivery and the high cost of property are feeding an e-tailing frenzy.

经历了前几年的车市井喷,目前的车市已经进入一个平缓期。After experienced a blowout in previous years the current auto market has entered into a steady phase.

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当井的情况不好时,也许要进行为时较短的起下钻作业来试验井喷的可能性。Perhaps there will be a short trip to test the possibility of a blowout-in case the will is acting up.

状态上场井喷,这一场有望打爆灰熊内线,好好教训一下小加索尔。State blowout game, which is expected to Dabao a grizzly bear inside, a good lesson about small Gasol.

如果这两次尝试都失败了,还有个可能,就是在旧的井喷防护器上再叠加一个新的防护器。If both barrels fail there is the possibility of putting a new blowout preventer on top of the old one.