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先不要扣帽子。Don't start trying labels on me yet.

这类人对我挑剔、扣帽子吗?Is this person critical or judgmental of me?

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只有扣帽子一事,对右派当别论。But labelling the Rightists is a different matter.

这是基于偏见的另一种扣帽子方法。This is another kind of labeling due to prejudices.

不能乱扣帽子。One should not stick labels indiscriminately on others.

中间派反对扣帽子是真实的。The middle elements are sincere in their opposition to labelling.

有3个“舞蹈动作,”扣帽子初级,中级和高级。There are 3 "Dance Routines, " labeled Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.

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写反驳文章一定要针对对方论据使用己方论据展开反驳,直接扣帽子的做法已经过时了。You need to present evidence to refute your opponent. The method of slapping labels is outdated.

所以即便你的灰背隼很难扣帽子也不要太过口急,当隼在手套上吃食时,是戴帽的最恶时机。I've found I can usually hood even difficult birds by putting it on while they're feeding on the glove.

扣帽子经常在政治和战争时期的场合被使用,但很少用于广告。Pinpointing the enemy is used extremely often during wartime, and also in political campaigns and debates.

通常,扣帽子这种手段会以挖苦和讥讽的方式运用,经常在政治漫画和文章中出现。Often, name calling is employed using sarcasm and ridicule, and shows up often in political cartoons or writings.

你害怕面对在你生活中某个挑剔、扣帽子、或者对你的成功不快乐的人吗?Are you afraid of confronting someone in your life who is critical, judgmental or just can't be happy for your success?

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当遇到运用扣帽子手段的宣传时,我们应该试图将我们因为那些“帽子”所引起的情感和我们因为那些实际的想法和建议所引起的情感分开。When examining name calling propaganda, we should attempt to separate our feelings about the name and our feelings about the actual idea or proposal.