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早早开始,一日之计在于晨。Start early.

奥秘在于韵律It's the rhythm.

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关键之处在于多样性。Variety is key here.

原因在于市场营销和芬达的历史。Marketing and history.

原因在于,他昨晚梦见我与他最好的朋友鬼混。In his dream last night.

成功在于努力。Success waits on efforts.

智慧的灵魂在于勇力。Brevity is the soul of wit.

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我认为关键在于知识。I believe knowledge is key.

原因在于健忘的人类。The cause is oblivious man.

挽救之道在于教育。The cure lies in education.

关键就在于相互依赖性。The key is interdependency.

或者说,并不在于象鼻子。Or rather, not in the trunk.

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秘诀在于定计划。The secret is to make plans.

而在于它们不可能是错误的。It's that they can't be wrong.

最大的风险在于做过了头。The biggest risk is overreach.

生命在于打破束缚。Life is always breaking fetter.

生命在于鲜活心智。Life is always freshening mind.

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其原因在于月球的重力。The reason lies in its gravity.

它在于一个小办公园里。We are in a little office park.

原因在于门厅里的婴儿车。Because of the pram in the hall.