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进展将不会一帆风顺。Progress will not be easy.

但这个转变并非一帆风顺。That turnabout was not easy.

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但事情的发展肯定不会是一帆风顺。But the sledding won't be smooth.

没有谁的人生是一帆风顺的。No life is completely immune to those.

微观层面的似乎运作的太一帆风顺了。The micro-level works almost too well.

但这种努力并非一帆风顺。But the effort was anything but smooth.

所以,其难以一帆风顺的被采用也或多或少是一种担心吧?So is uneven adoption somewhat of a concern?

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须知改革向来就没有一帆风顺的。The reform have been not problem-free notes.

该计划的起步阶段一帆风顺。The early phases of the plan worked magnificently.

我知道她离开后会一帆风顺的,事实的确是这样。I knew she would do well when she left, and she did.

无论我走哪一条路,都是一帆风顺的。Whatever path I took – it was smooth and successful.

祝您身体健康,一帆风顺,教师节快乐!郑东平。Happy teachers day! Best wishes to you! Your student.

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这些变化需要各方的共同奋斗,不可能一帆风顺。None of these changes will happen smoothly or easily.

我知道在工作当中并非总是一帆风顺的。I know everying cannot Fun smooth at work all the time.

联合铝业在香港上市之路远非一帆风顺。The path to Rusal's Hong Kong listing was far from smooth.

数学考试并不困难,我一帆风顺的就考完了。The math test was not difficult. I sailed right through it.

记住没有人可以恢复得一帆风顺,这点很重要。It’s important to remember that no one can recover perfectly.

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米基·洛克的电影生涯并非一帆风顺。Mickey Rourke hasn’t had an easy life in the world of cinema.

我们衷心祝愿她一帆风顺,前程美好!We wish her to be problem-free heartfeltly, the future is happy!

爱情之路永远不可能一帆风顺,总是充满了危险。The road of love is never smooth and always fraught with dangers.