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现在决定先休学一年回国带一段儿时间…Decided to spend a year now returned with a child time.

现在兔子连跑步都不及格了,只好休学在家。Now the rabbit even running all failed, have to take home.

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他在1994年休学之后,就再没有人看到他了。He dropped out of school in 1994, and thereafter nobody saw him again.

“你要休学?为什么?”她突然紧张起来。"You're going to suspend schooling? Why?" She became anxious suddenly.

休学或保留学籍、保留入学资格期满不办理复学或入学手续的。Do not go through resumption formalities when the suspension time is expired.

他坦承一开始其实是想休学再重考。He admitted that he had thought about dropping out and taking the test again.

现在决定先休学一年回国带一段儿时间…So I decided to suspend schooling for a year, and be back home for some times.

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奈特˙寇斯特曾经休学一年,之后才在秋天进入马里兰大学主攻数学。Nate Pancost, 19, who took a year off before enrolling as a math major at U-Md.

现在人们普遍认为休学实践年远远不止是一年不学习。It is now widely accepted that a gap year is more than a year away from studying.

你已经永久休学了吗?还是有天你会继续你的学业呢?Are you finished with school for good, or will you continue your studies some day?

他到课的记录很差,实际上还休学两次。He has a terrible attendance record at school and actually quit going school twice.

我1959年在航空工业学校上学,因身体缘故休学在家。In 1959, I asked for leave from Aviation Industry School due to some health problem.

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在高中毕业后的休学一年期间,年轻的女性比年轻的男性更加有冒险心理。Young women are more adventurous than young men when travelling abroad in gap years.

而这些表现中休学者比复学者问题突出,提示休学是造成行为问题的主要原因之一。It is suggested that leaving school is responsible for most of the behavior problems.

休学手续应于校曆明订之学期考试前办妥。The procedure should be completed before final exams scheduled on the school calendar.

在那起事件中,被指控的三名白人学生已经休学,但他们并没有被起诉。Three white students accused in that incident were suspended from school, but not prosecuted.

您的儿子或女儿被要求退学、休学或留校察看吗?Was your son or daughter ever asked to withdraw from a school, suspended or put on probation?

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在假期去旅行可以接受,但是如果是以休学为代价的就不行。It is acceptable to go for a travel during the vacation but never at cost of drop out the school.

我想现在是时候,让你们知道我是多认真了。内特尼尔·阿齐布尔德将在圣犹大学休学。And I think it's time you all know how serious I am. Nathaniel archibald is suspended from st. jude's.

学生肄业、休学、定期停学期间,均适用本办法。Article 21. This policy is applicable to all students during study, suspection, and regular suspension.