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有钱人有没有占便宜?Do the wealthy have a head start?

我可不愿白吃白喝别人。我那种爱占便宜的人。I wouldn't freeload . I'm not a freeloader.

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这在他的善良本性上是一次占便宜。It would be an imposition on his good nature.

尼姑想给她的金佛烧香,又不愿意让别的佛像占便宜。The nun wished to burn incense before her golden Buddha.

这么一比我倒觉得美国在毒品战争中给予援助是在占便宜呢。I think the US is better at that with helping in the Drug War.

如果你不想占便宜,你就受不了骗。You won't be hornswoggled if you don't want to gain extra advantage.

如果他们想从我的工作中占便宜,那是他们的事。and if they want to sort of free ride on my work, that's their business

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美国军队在阿富汗和伊拉克工作,中国却只占便宜吗?Is China Freeloading Off The U. S. Military's Work In Afghanistan And Iraq?

快照会被占便宜,每个排名,并作为图像月提出的报告。Snapshots would be taken of each ranking, dated and put into report as image.

请相信一个人看着选择合适的婚纱礼服占便宜。Please trust a man who looked at choosing the perfect bridal gown before hand.

唯一的例外应该是对那些你认为打算钻空子占便宜的顾客。The only exceptions should be customers who you think are scamming the system.

她说,埃及正在找人帮助它,使它能白占便宜得到一切。Egypt, she argued, was looking for someone to help it get everything for nothing.

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若你背信或相占便宜,我就会找别人。If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with.

做人别贪财,你的总会来。现在占便宜,钞票把你埋。Do a man greedy for money, you will always come. Now to take advantage, you bury money.

风险在于你的老板可能把礼物看作扭曲关系真相、占便宜的行为。The risk is that your boss will see it as trying to twist the relationship and get an advantage.

说到你的那些朋友,都是些爱占便宜的人。指望他们帮你,没门。Talk about your friends. They are all freeloaders . Youcan never expect any one of them to help you.

说到妳那些朋友,都是些爱占便宜的人。指望他们帮妳,没门儿。Talk about your friends . They are all freeloaders . You can never expect any more of them to help you.

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若你背信或相占便宜,我就会找别人。你可以接受这样的条件吗?。If you break faith and try to take advantage, I'll find someone else to work with. Can you live with that?

即便强而有力的对手想自己占便宜,二对一使不易的和平获得维持。Two face up to one and although the powerful rival tries to impose himself, an uneasy peace is maintained.

施密特这个人特别的斤斤计较,又很自私。他总是不抽自己的烟,而更喜欢从别人那里占便宜。Schmidt is buttoned up and egoistic. He tries not to smoke his own cigars, but prefers to borrow somebody's else.