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一个小小的临别礼物。A little going-away present.

临别的演说、言语、礼物。A valedictory speech, message, gift.

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我也用这个,我临别工具夹具。I also use this jig for my parting tool.

他尤其欣赏她的临别赠言。He particularly warmed to her parting shot.

但现在,我们对临别却有两种不同的想法。But now we are having two kinds of partings.

他送朋友一本书作为临别纪念。He gave his friend a book as a go-away token.

“享受盯梢追捕的乐趣”,他临别致辞。“Enjoy the stalking, ” was his farewell remark.

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我们共同出钱给他买了一个临别礼物。We clubbed together to buy him a leaving present.

以后的岁月中,他一直记着她临别时的一吻。He remembered her parting kiss in the following years.

从他临别的话看来,我们是不会再见到他了。According to his parting words, we won't see him again.

面试礼仪不仅限于临别握手。Interview etiquette extends beyond the goodbye hand-shake.

“你身体好吗,爱玛?”韦斯顿太太临别时问道。Are you well, my Emma?' was Mrs. Weston's parting question.

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那盒卡带上录着好朋友给她的临别赠言。That tape recorded the parting advice from her best friends.

临别之前,我向您说出这点疑虑,希望君王一定不要轻信人言。I say this because I hope you won't believe people at random.

他在临别时,请我永远不要忘记他所教给我的。His parting request was for me to never forget what he taught me.

谢谢你赠给我的临别礼品,你本不该这样做的。Thank you for your going-away present. You shouldn't have done that.

身心灵向她的男朋友给了突然的临别赠言。Spirit of body and mind gave abrupt parting advise to her boy friend.

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我用一个伟大法国人睿智的言辞作为给你们的临别赠言采。And with these wise words of a very great Frenchman I bid you farewell.

幸好主耶稣的临别赠言,令门徒如释重负。In his farewell address the Lord Jesus put the disciples' minds at ease.

我们挑选出一些文学界最令人难忘的临别之言,从拜伦到詹姆斯·乔伊斯。We select some of literature's most memorable farewells, from Byron to James Joyce.