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忘了熊与牛吧。现在在华尔街兴风作浪的是蜜蜂。Forget bears and bulls. It's bees that are making waves on Wall Street.

桑兹兴风作浪之后不久,丹尼斯又回到了交易界。Soon after the Sands dustup , Dennis staged another remarkable comeback.

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显然,死欲已经在兴风作浪了,在它苏醒期间,留下了大量的破坏。Clearly thanatos had been at work and left massive destruction in its wake.

但是他们至少知道犯下这些令人发指罪行的人不会再兴风作浪、故伎重演。But at least they know the man who was responsible for these appalling acts is no more.

咆哮的洪水仍在印第安纳州南部兴风作浪,湮没了农田和家园。Raging floodwaters are still tearing through southern Indiana, swallowing farmland and homes.

一旦人类的投资、警惕性和控制不足,这种疾病就会兴风作浪。This is a disease that can take full advantage of any lapse in investment, vigilance, or control.

土壤混合物在土地上兴风作浪时,与之相联系的混合植物和动物也以同样的方式猛动。As the mix of soil churns on the land, the mix of plants and animals coupled to it likewise churn.

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但如果有不良分子在人群里趁机‘兴风作浪’,那么情况马上会开始变得难以控制。But when there is a mob mentality, one person starts something, and soon the situation gets out of control.

子君查出是潘红棉在幕后兴风作浪,冲动地将她赶出酒店,却惹来麻烦。Zijun was traced pantone red cotton behind the scenes, impulsively took her out of the hotel, but to trouble.

埃辛是一个符合穆里尼奥风格的球员——对成功充满渴望,仍然处于上升势头,而且不会兴风作浪。And Essien is a Mourinho-style player. Hungry for success, still on the upward curve and not one to make waves.

这明显不同于最近几年,当时数十亿美元在全球金融市场上到处兴风作浪。That is markedly different than in recent years, when billions of dollars were sloshing around global financial markets.

所谓开国元勋,都是些兴风作浪的野心家,在这些人的统治下,天下哪里还有安稳可言?Those men who found a country were careerists. Countries under the careerist's ruling, is there stability under the sun possible?

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那时,一种名为MySpace的新型社交网站刚刚开始兴风作浪,“Twitter”这个词的意思也还仅仅是指鸟的叫声。A new social-networking site called MySpace was just starting to make waves. And the word “twitter” was reserved mainly for birdsong.

但我们也可以不理会谁在旁观,站到房顶上大喊大叫,兴风作浪,东冲西闯,促使改变现状。Or we can care less about who’s watching, stand up and shout from the rooftops, make waves and push buttons, threaten the status quo.

欧洲金融系统管理法规的谨小慎微的改变可能都会及时地对资本的兴风作浪有着潜在的影响作用。Discreet changes to the rules governing European finance may in time have profound effects on the tides of capital that wash its shores.

在迪拜公告后的第二天,债务危机的影响继续在金融市场兴风作浪,虽然这种势头已经放缓。Fallout from the Dubai debt crisis continued to roll through financial markets for the second day, although the rush for the exits slowed.

相比之下,我们这台堪称突破的新机器却受制于一般在分子、原子和亚原子微粒世界兴风作浪的量子力学,只有用这种奇异的机制才能解释它的运作机理。In contrast, the new gizmo jiggles in ways explicable only by the weird rules of quantum mechanics, which ordinarily govern molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.

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可笑的是,到现在还不明白为什么周太太忽然在小茶杯里兴风作浪,自忖并没有开罪她什么呀!The funny thing was that even now he still didn't understand why Mrs. Chou had suddenly made such a tempest in a teacup. He was sure he hadn't offended her in any way!

卡扎菲政权的残余力量仍在利比亚的某些地方兴风作浪,有鉴于此,我已经指示我的小组与北约和联合国保持紧密联系,确定我们可以采取的其他行动。As remaining regime elements menace parts of the country, I've directed my team to be in close contact with NATO as well as the United Nations to determine other steps that we can take.

实际上,极端民族主义、侵略、霸权主义倾向、不容忍、种族主义、排外现象和恐怖主义等邪恶势力兴风作浪,造成全球性破坏。Indeed such dark forces as extreme ethnic nationalism aggression hegemonistic tendencies intolerance racism xenophobia and terrorism have been unleashed to wreak havoc on a global seale.