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解决现金流问题。Cashflow Solution.

什么都可以解决。You’re off the hook.

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解决那些炮手!Take that gunner out!

谁解决了这个问题?Who solved the problem?

当然也是种解决办法Certainly a possibility.

我怎么解决失败?How do I handle failure?

我虽不才,还是能解决这一问题。I can solve the problem.

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她想不出解决办法。The solution evaded her.

我们怎么解决这个问题What remedies do we see?

那你是一位问题解决者。You're a problem-solver.

那如何解决呢?So, what is the solution?

何来省钱的解决之道?The money-saving solution?

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那你午餐怎么解决的?What did you do for lunch?

你能妥善解决冲突吗?。Do you handle conflict weU?

质疑问难,解决学生的存留问题。Do you have any questions ?

得了性病怎么解决啊。Got venereal how be solved.

他解决难题很拿手。He's a good problem-solver.

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让我和苏克雷来解决。Let me and Sucre handle it.

这必须由ab公司解决。This must be managed by AB.

如何解决这个问题呢?How to resolve this problem?