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这里车能左转弯吗?Can a car turn left?

汽车向左转弯。The car made a left turn.

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告诉俺,这玩样儿是咋转弯滴?Tell me, how does it turn ?

开始程序转弯叫。Call starting procedure turn.

汽车转弯前车灯不断闪动。The car winked before turning.

道路向右转弯。The road swerves to the right.

这车转弯转得很平稳。The car corners steady on curves.

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那个笨驾驶连转弯都不会转。Thating driver can't turn a corner.

直到它在树丛下边转弯。To where it bent in the undergrowth.

我该在哪转弯就可以到那里?Which corner can I turn to go there?

她用胳膊发出左转弯信号。She used her arm to signal left turn.

他的车在十字街口处突然转弯了。His car swung round at the crisscross.

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纸飞盘,布飞盘,飞来飞去会转弯。The Frisbees look like flying saucers.

那个笨驾驶连转弯都不会转。That fucking driver cant turn a corner.

不要停在右转通道上,阻碍他人转弯。Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane.

她转弯走进苜蓿巷。She turned the corner into Clover Close.

越南竟然来个180度转弯?Vietnam turned out to a 180-degree turn?

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然后再右扶手一转弯就到了!And then a right turn on to the handrail !

然后他便转弯把车驶入了高速公路。Then he swung the car onto the expressway.

我在下个路口左转弯,到一个停车再开标志处。I take the next left turn to the stop sign.