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曾几何时,不再抬头望月了呢?Only a short while ago, no longer looked Mochizuki. ?

望月水中,波光粼粼,微微月影被湖面拉长。Moon water, glittering, slightly elongated shadow is the lake.

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此望月村遗址是巴人部落的最后栖息地。Moon-looking village site was the last inhabiting place of tribe of Ba Kingdom.

另一方面,望月向大家宣布要把攀登架撤去的决定。On the other hand, the full moon to announce the climbing frame subduct decision.

她望了望月亮,然后又望了望马,接着又望了望躺在地上的仿佛已经死去的人。She looked at the moon, then at the horse, and then at the man lying on the ground as if dead.

开头的描绘都是为后面作渲染和铺垫,而侧重写望月引起的情思。The picture is beginning to make up and behind her, and thanks to the emphasis on writing techniques.

这份年鉴还记载着太阳南归、北归、望月、涨潮和落潮等天文现象的日期。The almanac also noted the days when the sun would be far north or south, when moon would be full, and when the tides would be high or low.

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即将卸任的日本工贸次官望月晴文表示,鸠山由纪夫“为日本人民和日本经济选择了一条非常艰难的前进道路”。Harufumi Mochizuki, the outgoing vice minister of trade and industry, said Hatoyama had chosen a "very tough road ahead for the Japanese people and economy".

仲秋的山塘,犹带离愁,凭窗望月夜已深,醉饮桂花酒,几多相思,年年如是,岁岁依旧。The Mid-Autumn Festival Shantang Street, with a sad, late at night saw a bright moon hanging. Sweet-scented osmanthus wine drunk, miss much, the same year after year.

此曲有意无人传,愿随春风寄燕然,望月长叹,千里之外,写不成书,只寄得、相思一点,你知道吗?No one interested in traditional song, the spring breeze sent everyone Yan Ran, Wangyue1 deep sigh, thousands of miles away, writing books not only sent in, Acacia, You know?

这是中国唐代著名诗人李白所做的一首诗,写出了游子望月思乡思想感情。The poem that expressed thoughts and feelings of homesickness of the man traveling in a place far away from home, wrote by the famous poet named Li Bai lived in Chinese Tang Dynasty.

岛上的黑山八景也很美丽,其中又以门岩苍松、松前望月、明沙十里的景色最为有名。Heuksan on the island has eight especially beautiful sceneries, which are called Mt. Heuksan Eight Sceneries. Among them, Munamchangsong, Songjeonmangwol, and Myeongsasipri are especially famous.