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他眨眨眼,传来男人的信号,默许了吉姆的罪过。Winking a man\'s signal.

我猜他默许了我的淘气。I guess he tolerated my naughtiness.

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他默许了我的淘气行为。He acquiesced in my naughty behavior.

其他会员均默许他的辞职。The other members acquiesced in his resignation.

BRDH默许的是当前执行的宿主机。The default BRDH is the host where make is executed.

他默许整个事件的发生。He connived to keep the whole scandal from coming out.

你的行动以及你的毫无行动的默许,都在塑造你的孩子。Your actions and also inactions shape him as a person.

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囚犯们贿赂看守,使看守默许他们越狱。The prisoners paid the guards to connive at their escape.

该表达式在默许情形下是不与行终结符相匹配的。By default this expression does not match line terminators.

作弊和分数贬值猖狂而且被默许。Cheating and grade inflation are rampant and quietly tolerated.

被关停的学校涉及14000名孩子,这些学校这些很长时间以来被默许存在,但缺乏办学许可手续。The schools, though sometimes long-established, are unlicensed.

正是由于对父亲愿望的默许。她辱没了自己。Acquiescence in her father's wishes had been degradation to herself.

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默许你们间的不同,培养并享受这种差异性。Allow, nurture and enjoy the differences between you and your partner.

但西方的卷入或者说默许在这些事件中也鲜有缺席。But Western involvement or connivance in these was also rarely absent.

女友经不起我死缠硬磨,默许了。Cummer is ground forcedly via removing me to tangle to death, acquiesced.

这是一种激动人心的默许,充满了疑虑、不确定和炽热的激情。It is a stirring acquiescence, riddled with doubts, uncertain and ardent.

所谓的“通融”就是用金钱换取房产商的默许。The so-called "accommodation" is the money for the director acquiescence.

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要是国际默许以色列进行无差比轰炸就好了!It would be great if the world permits Israel to conduct precision bombing!

新的伊拉克政权在我们的默许下剥夺了逊尼派精英的权力。The new Iraqi regime, with our tacit approval, disempowered the Sunni elite.

他们还对犯人多给自己盛饭采取了默许的态度。They also hold rice prisoners taken more than acquiescence to their own attitude.