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客人们三五成群地来。The guests came in groups.

大家三五成群地去参加会议。Everyone trooped into the meeting.

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他们三五成群的进入教室。They entered the classroom in groups.

人们三五成群地站立着。People were standing about in small groups.

参观者三五成群地来观看这座新桥。Vistors came in flocks to see the new bridge.

文职人员三五成群在阳光下聊天。Civilians in little knots chatted in the sunshine.

三五成群的人在学校大楼外担任纠察。Small gatherings picketed outside the school buildings.

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人们三五成群从那幢大楼里走出来。Little knots of people were walking out of the building.

人们三五成群地站着等候消息。People were standing about in knots, waiting for the news.

人们三五成群地挤在一起避雨。People stood around in small huddles, sheltering from the rain.

面向公园,三五成群一起野餐,或者在自家天井里,不亦乐乎呀。Head to the park for a picnic, eat on the patio at home or restaurants.

位于小镇一边的山坡上,三五成群的羚羊到处可见。On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills.

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假日爬山,饭后散步,我与学生三五成群,有说有笑。Mountaineering holidays, meal Walking, I with the students in small, Weishuiweixiao.

人们从阿伯塔巴德遍地三五成群涌向本拉登的藏身处这座大型居平易近建筑。Crowds of people flocked to the compound in Abbottabad where Osama bin Laden had been hiding.

他说,正因为有了语言,人类才能做到千万人齐心协力,而狒狒最多三五成群。Instead, language has allowed us to cooperate in groups of millions instead of dozens, he says.

三五成群的,往往是一条大鱼在前边引路,后面跟的是一些小的鱼。In groups of three and four, is often a big fish in front leading the way, followed by some little fish.

晴空万里的假日,我们可以三五成群组织成志愿者小队,走进大街小巷,做一些自己力所能及的事。Skies holiday, we may want to volunteer teams, walked into organization streets, and do some of my own ability.

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水中的金鱼在三五成群地围着月亮嬉戏,荡起一层层波纹,仿佛是在和水中的月亮捉迷藏。Goldfish in the water play in small groups around the moon, Dangqi layers of ripples, as if the moon hide and seek in and water.

天黑之后,取水都有困难,因为不仅水里有蛇,水源边上也有三五成群的蛇。We could not lightly draw water after dark, for there were snakes swimming in the pools or clustering in knots around their brinks.

在学校门口,常常有三五成群穿着校服的女学生流连忘返,其中有些人已经从学校毕业了。At the school gate, often small groups of female students in school uniform linger, some of whom have already graduated from school.