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孟克换上了过冬的新袍子。Mengke has changed into his new winter robe.

的袍子上尽是尘土,汗渍斑斑。His black cassock was dusty and sweat-stained.

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他们给他脱了衣服,穿上一件朱红色袍子。They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him

给那件新袍子一个风姿吧。Please give that new garment a graceful bearing.

她用一根比通常宽得多的粉红色带子把头发扎起来,然后再给苔丝穿上那件在会社游行时穿的白色袍子。She tied it with a broader pink ribbon than usual.

大夫把袍子上的帽子向前拉了一拉,遮住他的脸。The doctor pulled his hood forward, hiding his face.

他们给他脱了衣服,穿上一件朱红色袍子。And they stripped him, and put on him a scarlet robe.

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他穿着和服,一件蓝色棉质日本袍子。He wore a yukata, a light Japanese robe of blue cotton.

他从袍子下面拿出一个不大的金护身符。He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.

巴狄斯丁姑娘的袍子是照一八○六年的式样裁剪的。Mademoiselle Baptistine's gown was cut on the patterns of 1806

瓦列留厄斯?赫尔马身穿华丽的袍子,站在右首宽敞的壁龛里。Valerius Herma stood in rich robes inside a broad niche to the right.

你会有一件袍子,但是它更多只能起到心理作用。You get a gown, but its coverage is more psychological than physical!

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上面有一只身穿波斯袍子敲着铙钹的玩具猴。Attached, the figure of a monkey in Persian robes playing the cymbals.

于是她披上带帽袍子踏入了她的露台。Instead she slipped into a hooded robe and stepped out onto her terrace.

那算命的年纪不大,穿著件呢袍子,看起来就像店里的学徒。The youngish fortuneteller looked like a shop assistant in his gabardine gown.

她给我披上一件白袍子,脖子后边用个扣针扣住。She put a white gown on me and pinned it at the neck in back with a safety pin.

或许,那就是穿着红色的袍子,有着阴暗的双眼的那个魔鬼,他又该怎么办才好呢?Perhaps it was the very Devil himself, with ember-red robes and nightshade eyes?

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一个金铃铛一个石榴,一个金铃铛一个石榴,在袍子周围的底边上。The gold bells and the pomegranates are to alternate around the hem of the robe.

她叹了口气,站起身来,让伊丽拿袍子来,接着步出露台。Sighing she rose and called to Irri for a robe then wandered out onto her terrace.

而且,你穿的白色的袍子,只有女巫和魔术师都是穿着白的。Besides, you have white in your frock, and only witches and sorceresses wear white.