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蚊子滋生于不流动的池塘里。Mosquitoes breed in still ponds.

死水滋生蚊子。Stagnant water breeds mosquitoes.

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康妮的反抗的感觉,潜然地滋生了。A sense of rebellion smouldered in Connie.

神户的灾难使得新的热心公益的力量滋生。Out of Kobe grew new civic-minded energies.

Wood说,脏衣服是滋生蛀虫的温床。Wood says dirty clothes are magnets for moths.

脚垫及凉席不易滋生细菌。Bacteria are hard to breed on foot mat and mat.

从这淡漠中似乎滋生了一种隐秘的歌谣。A kind of secret song is born of this indifference.

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“小金库”是当前滋生腐败现象的温床。The "departmental coffer" is a hotbed of corruption.

不太突出的悬臂大部分是气体和星星滋生地。Less prominent arms are mostly gas and star nurseries.

“私房钱”危害很大,绝不能任其滋生蔓延。"Mad Money" great harm, must not be allowed to spread.

食环署人员喷洒蚊油,防止蚊子滋生。Anti-mosquito oil is used in the fight against breeding.

如果你呛了口有隐孢子虫滋生的池水,你可能会生病。If you swallow infected pool water, you may become sick.

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没有这类机制就可能滋生腐败。In the absence of such mechanisms, corruption may thrive.

她还带来篷勃滋生的青草,轻柔温暖的四月春雨Bringing the springing grass and the soft warm April rain.

牙齿和牙龈之间会滋生牙斑。Deposits of plaque build up between the tooth and the gum.

宗教文化滋生出诗歌和戏剧,而非小说。Religious cultures produce poetry and theater, not novels.

公共住房部门是另一个特别容易滋生腐败的部门。Public housing is another area particularly exposed to graft.

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野火焚烧也烧不尽,春风吹过来又滋生起来。Wildfires burn it cannot be spring breeze blows, and it grows.

如果它们大批滋生在葡萄藤上,甚至农药也常常没有了效用。If they infest the grapevines, even pesticides are often no use.

如果言论自由被中止了,瘴气就滋生,死亡迅即来临。Where free speech is stopped miasma is bred, and death comes fast.