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③沙枣根中观察有含晶细胞存在。It was found Crystalliterous cell in Elaeagnus angustifolia.

介绍沙枣果醋的酿制方法。This paper introduced the fermentation method of oleaster vinegar.

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目的提取测定沙枣鞣质。Objective To extract and determine tannin in Elaeagnus angustifolia L.

利用天然植物资源通过纯化分离得到了亚麻胶和沙枣胶。Linseed gum and Elaeagnus angustifolia L gum were obtained by purification separation from nature plants.

目的以青海当地沙枣枝为原料,对其中黄酮类化合物进行了提取研究。Objective To study the conditions of extracting flavonoids from the branches of Elaeagnus angustifolia L.

说明在水分胁迫下,沙枣幼苗叶片中的SOD与CAT和POD对水分胁迫的调节有一定的互补性。These indicated that the regulation of SOD, CAT and POD to water stress appeared complementary in some degree.

那个地方有宽宽的马路,高高的白杨树,低矮的沙枣林,还有经常去玩捉迷藏的小树林。The place is a wide road, tall white poplar tree, low angustifolia forests, and often go to play hide and seek in the woods.

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方法运用超声技术提取沙枣中的鞣质,用络合滴定法测定其含量。Methods Tannin was extracted by the ultrasonic technology and content of tannin was determined by the method of complex titration.

沙枣和柠条相比,与气温的相关程度更高,在0.01水平上显著,而柠条在0.05水平显著。The temperature correlation level of Elaeagnus is higher than that of Caragana, on 0.01 level is obvious but Caragana is obvious on 0.05 level.

目的钻研复合酶辅佐超声波提取沙枣多糖的最佳工艺。Objective To optimize the technological conditions of polysaccharide extraction from Elaeagnus angustifolia L. by enzymatic-assisted ultrasonic.

应用GC/MS-计算机联用技术对沙枣花挥发油的化学成分进行分离、鉴定。Essential oils in flowers from Elaeagnus angustifolia L. were analyzed by GC-MS. 17 compounds were separated andidendtifed from the essential oil.

而且,同一时期的真实刻槽和人工对照刻槽相比,合作杨、新疆杨和榆树的天牛刻槽均比人工对照刻槽含水量大,沙枣则相反。Comparing the real incisions with the controls, the moisture of controls were higher than those of the real ones, but it's opposite on E. angustifolia.

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渗透胁迫明显影响新疆大果沙枣幼苗叶片膜脂过氧化程度的加重和保护酶活性的变化,新疆大果沙枣幼苗具有有限的耐渗透的能力。This progress improved the osmotic stress and affected leaf membrane liquid peroxidation and endogenous protective systems, the ability of its osmotic tolerance was limited.

在我国西北地区大面积的干旱、荒漠地区,营造沙枣林进行盐碱土改良和风沙危害的防治是既经济又有效的长远措施。In northwest drought and desert area of our country, planting Elaeagnus angustifolia to amend salt alkali of soil and prevent sand blown by wind is an economic and effect measure.

这所小学所在地最多的是沙枣树,每到农历五月,沙枣花开的季节,浓浓的花香四处弥漫,醉了蜂蝶,醉了养蜂人。The primary school is located is the largest sand jujube, every lunar May, Elaeagnus angustifolia flower season, the thick scent four bees and butterflies, drunk, drunk beekeeper.

用均匀设计法考察超声频率、超声时间和溶剂用量对沙枣油提取率的影响,得到提取沙枣油的优化超声工艺条件。The influences of ultrasonic frequency, ultrasonic time and solvent content on the extraction rate of fat oil in Elaeagnus angus-tifolia L. were studied. The optimum extraction condition was obtained.

目前的主要产品为枸杞、沙枣和香菇三个系列的中药提取物,待开发黄芪和甘草系列提取物。The main products for the Chinese wolfberry, Elaeagnus angustifolia and mushrooms three series of extracts from traditional Chinese medicine, to be developed and astragalus extract of licorice series.