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她九死一生从那次疾病中逃脱。We escaped by a hair 's breadth.

她叙述了她九死一生的经历。She described how she had narrowly escaped death.

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她九死一生从那次疾病中逃脱。She had a narrow escape from the serious disease.

那个司机这回真是九死一生。The driver escaped the death by a hair's breadth.

当车祸差一点发生的时候,我们说那是九死一生。When an accident nearly happens, we say it is a close shave.

1955年后,丁玲被卷入政治运动中,九死一生。After 1955, Ding Ling was involved in the political campaign.

1917年6月至9月,他成为了一名普通士兵,在战壕中经历九死一生。He served in the trenches as a private from June to September 1917.

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这真是九死一生,也是他长期飞行生涯的其中之一。It was a narrow escape, one of many he would have during his long flight.

真是九死一生啊!”回到猴面包树得安乐窝后,兔子发出一声感叹。That WAS a close shave , " said Hare from the safety of his baobab tree."

他们过着没有自己时间的生活,也是九死一生的搏命。They, however, have little spare private time, face death every second as well.

这个特殊的时刻后不久,父亲从一场心脏手术中九死一生。A short while after this special moment, my father narrowly escaped death following heart operation.

鸟语花香没有被斩尽杀绝,九死一生,活了过来,居然还留下了小鸟的子孙们又在那里继续莺歌燕舞。An idyllic scene is not kill all, be, live, still left the bird children there to the joys of spring.

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历经艰险,九死一生最终将与匪首和他的顽固追随者有一场殊死搏斗。Back from dead, Stick figure fights a bloody battle with the evil Boss and his henchmen over air, water and land.

于是她费尽心机走进了皇宫,几度九死一生,却又因为丰富的现代知识而被皇上赏识。Then she walked into the palace, music. then degrees, but because a modern knowledge and rich by emperor appreciated.

你们九死一生终于逃出生天,梅玲也欣喜地见到了安医生。在知道了这个女侍是个鬼魂之后,你用你的护身符超度了她。A joyful Mai Ling met up with Doctor An and after learning that the serving girl she was a ghost you released her with your amulet.

大火中失踪的阿乔忽然来找索宜,楠凤见到九死一生的父亲十分快乐,可是索宜不敢留阿乔过夜,坚持让他回去了。The fire missing Joe suddenly come to SuoYi, nan fung meet dying father very happy, but SuoYi dare not stay Joe overnight, insisted on his back.

在杜罗经历了九死一生后,莱娅和汉团聚了,他们彼此支撑着,坚定了对战斗的意志和对爱情的信念。Following a near-death experience on Duro, Leia and Han were reunited, and bolstered each other's strength, renewing their commitment and faith in their love.

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然而早年的吕后并不如此,还称得上贤惠的女人,她为了刘邦历尽艰辛,九死一生。This is inferior to after the Lv of one's early years however, still say to go up virtuous woman, she has gone through hardships for Liu Bang, escape from death.

苏轼一生坎坷,多次被贬,九死一生,但他虽处逆境,然而独立不依,刚正不阿,以乐观豁达的态度直面人生,为我们留下了宝贵的文学财富。Although Sushi had experienced a lot of hard work and a near escape, he still insists on his will and keeps his optimistic attitude to life. He left many valuable literary heritage.

而这些牛头人正是她难以置信的军队的骨干。牛头人中被选中晋升为勇士的那些都通过了九死一生的斗士学院。Those Minotaurs are naturally the basis of her incredible army, and those who are chosen for the Warrior promotion have gone through a gladiator school where countless soldiers have fallen.