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它是可耻的。It's shameful.

无耻也就是可耻。Effrontery is a disgrace.

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在别人背后说坏话是可耻的。Don't speak ill behind him.

这是一个可耻的丑闻,对气候的损害将是灾难性的。It's a disgraceful scandal.

多浪费和可耻啊。So wasteful and contemptible.

欺骗那女孩是多么可耻的事啊!What a shame to deceive the girl!

贫穷不可耻,懒惰才是。Proverty is no shame, laziness is.

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只有感觉迟钝才是可耻的。The only shame was to be insensitive.

可耻的是,这家伙竟然没有“呱呱叫”,讨厌!Shame the guy didn't " croak it" vile!

真可耻!我对你又厌又烦。Shame on you! I'm sick and tired of you.

您这个没骨头的贪婪的可耻叛徒!You spineless , greedy and dirty traitor!

一个小丑比一个无教养的人更可耻。A buffoon is more humiliating than a bounder.

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我认为他的行为可耻。I considered him to have acted disgracefully.

乃将那些暗昧可耻的事弃绝了But we have renounced the hidden things of shame

无知不为耻,不想学才可耻。Ignorance is not a shame but unwilling to learn.

她对自己虚伪的,可耻的话根本不感到羞耻。She had no shame of her sham and shameful words.

我们大多数人性入门的途径都很可耻。Most of us are introduced to sex in shameful ways.

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这如同文中一章的题目所言,穷死是可耻的。As one chapter title puts it, to die poor is a sin.

我认为欺骗朋友是可耻的。In my opinon , it is a shame to deceive your friends.

他觉得那很可耻,而他感到丢脸。There's something shameful about it and he felt shame.